Happy Monday!

You may have experienced one of our Beauty Boost CLOTHING SWAPS where we declutter our closets and bring all our clothes to swap or you may have one coming up in your city....

Either way, this event sparked the overall concept for today's chat onDECLUTTERING!

We all know there is research associated with how our physical space plays a part in our mental space. There is nothing I love more than tidying up and the satisfaction I have of owning less; not more.

As we head into October, here's some quick tips on Decluttering 101:

A) Pick one room at a time and don't move on until that room is done

B) Designate a keep pile and a toss pile (or donate)

C) Label items and get cute shelves or storage bins

D) Think shelves, hooks + hanging bins. Maximize the space you have as best you can by moving vertical.

E) Put seasonal items into storage

F)Bonus: Make it fun! Pour your favorite tea or wine, play some high vibe music and let it be meditative

Grab a full checklist room by room HERE


XO, Rachel


HER STORY ⟡ Chanda Mundi


HER STORY ⟡ Kari Hughes