Five Affirmations to Become 'That Girl' (and how to actually use them)

Hey Gal! Happy Monday!


I hope you are having an amazing and productive start to your week. Today, I want to dive into what it means to be 'that girl', specifically why we should all strive to be her. 


Who is 'That Girl'?:

So who is this girl that is so great that we give her the honor of being considered all that? Hint: She's the version of you who puts her physical, emotional and mental health first. The version of you that spares no mind to situations and people that disrupt your peace. 


Look, we all have days where we just aren't feeling ourselves, and don't worry, 'that girl' has those days too. But what makes her different is that she refuses to accept her insecurities as facts and instead focuses on everything she has to offer. REMEMBER: we can all be her. She is just the version of us that carries herself with poise and exudes the utmost confidence. Really, she is the you that exhibits the greatest level of self-love.


The Power of Affirmations:

Okay, so now that we've covered who 'that girl' is, how do you become her? Well, it takes dedicated self-work, and to be quite honest, the journey towards pinnacle self-love looks different for everyone. But one thing that helps not just me but many women are affirmations. 


Simply put, affirmations are positive sentences or even phrases that you say out loud and, in essence, speak into existence. Affirmations are useful in that they replace negative thoughts with affirmative ones. Have you ever heard the saying that if you repeat something enough times, you start to believe it? That's the idea with affirmations! 


By repeating these sayings, you are transforming your thoughts and beliefs into uplifting ones. Whether you use affirmations to better your mental health, boost your self-confidence, manifest goals and more, you are engaging in self-improvement and, therefore, self-love.


This week, I challenge you to wake up each morning, look in the mirror, and repeat an affirmation to yourself. It feels silly at first and even a little bit uncomfortable, but it's a great first step in reinforcing a positive self-perception and becoming 'that girl.'


10 'That Girl' Affirmations you can use!!

  1. I visualize my highest self and then show up as her.

  2. I breathe in confidence and exhale fear.

  3. If I put my mind to it, I will achieve it.

  4. I deserve all of the good things that are happening to me and all of the good things that are coming.

  5. I release anything that does not support my highest good.

  6. I am unaffected by the judgment of others.

  7. I love my body and all it does for me.

  8. My voice is valuable and my opinion matters.

  9. I am worthy of love.

  10. I am grateful for everything I have in my life.


HER STORY ⟡ Karlyn of Dear Wild Heart


HER STORY ⟡ Janell McDonald