HER STORY ⟡ Carrie Smith

Hi Friends,
My name is Carrie Smith and I live in Cincinnati, Ohio with my husband and my sweet 6-year-old daughter!

How I started:
After years of thinking I had my nutrition and exercise figured
out, little did I know I was doing everything wrong… well not everything but pretty close. I recognized that there’s a lack of approachable education around nutrition, mainly because of how mainstream marketing is deeply invested in the fitness industry. After years of taking extreme measures trying other programs only to see body composition changes not happening, I felt very defeated. I started following a friend that was a FASTer way coach and was intrigued with the program and results for women just like me and finally said why not! I was so sick of feeling tired everyday and wanting to nap with my toddler.

The results: 
It didn’t take long and my energy was back and I was feeling better than I had in my 20’s. I finally ditched the thought of ever being on a diet again and learned how to live a sustainable lifestyle. I was also blown away with the amount of food I got to each day. Just a few weeks into the program I was feeling amazing and wanted everyone to know about these easy and life changing strategies.

Helping others:
This is when I decided to become a Certified Health Coach to show women how to accomplish these goals without deprivation and unsustainable practices. I have coached thousands of women on health principles like carb cycling, intermittent fasting, intentional exercise (fast and effective) to help increase their energy, balance hormones, and master their metabolism without feeling deprived.

What is FASTer Way To Fat Loss:
Faster Way is a premier virtual fitness and nutrition company, teaching clients how to burn fat and live a truly healthy lifestyle through intermittent fasting, macro tracking, whole food nutrition, strategic workouts, and positive mindset. The FASTer Way’s strategies help fuel my mission for women to get well, prevent disease and live their lives with energy and purpose.

What I love about coaching:
I love helping people. It truly is my passion in life. As a coach I have helped women in all walks of life and it truly is a blessing to be able to help someone change their mindset related to nutrition and fitness. I love getting to know the clients and coach them through the program daily. My clients inspire me everyday.

What impact I want to have:
I lost my mom at a young age and my mission in life is to help women prevent disease and become the healthiest and happiest version of themselves.

Where our community can find you?
I am most active on Instagram. I post a lot of recipes, grocery hauls and my favorite wellness podcasts.
You can also find me here:
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CarrieJoyDuren1
Email carriesmithfwtfl@gmail.com
Link https://www.fasterwaycoach.com/#carriesmith


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