HER STORY ⟡ Ali Nelson

Why I started: 

I was 4 years into my career in corporate retail when I started to feel the fatigue and monotony of my work. I felt like I was stuck on a ladder that I couldn’t climb, and I felt as though my creative wings had been clipped. I was helping those above me progress, without any real idea where my own growth was going to come from. I had thought about Real Estate, and even bought the classes, but taking night classes online on top of my 9-5 was proving too difficult. Fast forward to April 2020, and I was laid off. I was absolutely crushed, as this definitely wasn’t a part of my “dream career” trajectory, and I felt as though I had put all this effort into a field that suddenly didn’t matter. It was then that I knew I had to finally make the jump I had tried to make before, and dive into a new industry. I had no other alternatives, so it was the perfect motivation! It ended up being the absolute thing to ever happen to me. 

What I love about being a business owner: 

No one is stopping me, but me! I have all the growth potential in the world, and I am the only one who can limit myself. It makes everyday a fun, new challenge. I love that I get to be agile, try new things, experiment, and pivot at my own speed. I get to be my genuine self, I never feel like I am wearing a mask, or hiding parts of me that don’t “fit a brand.”

What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet: 

Coming from an event planning background in corporate retail, I was always obsessing about the “experience.” I wanted people to leave feeling better than when they came, with a new memory, new knowledge, whatever it may be. I have absolutely carried that concept into my ideals as a business owner. I know that not everyone I meet is looking to buy a home. They may be 5 years away from that step, they may already have a home, they may never have a desire to own a home. However, that doesn’t mean that I can’t provide some sort of value to them, whether that be connecting them with another business professional, sharing their content or small business, etc. I run my business with the idea that I am a human first, and a Realtor second, and I hope that those I have interacted with remember me as the woman who simply met them where they were at, and helped make their life just 1% better! 

Who or what inspires you: 

My father has always been my #1 business inspiration and mentor. He has owned a small business for over 30 years, and there isn’t anything that man hasn’t experienced or conquered. I tend to use his life and career trajectory as my gauge for success, and I know that if I can live and work like he does, that I am doing just fine. 

What is your favorite piece of advice you’ve received or quote:

The pursuit of perfection is exhausting, unproductive, and will always leave you feeling unfulfilled. Instead of trying to be perfect, just spend everyday pursuing growth! Strive to be just a little bit better than you were yesterday. 

What does BEAUTY mean to you: 

Beauty to me is so much more than appearance. Beauty is a feeling. It comes from having confidence in who you are, or excitement around who you are becoming. It’s physical strength, emotional endurance, and having the courage to stand firm in your beliefs and boundaries!

What advice would you give to your past self just starting your business:

To get rid of the 10-step plan I had in my head for achieving success! The idea that success is linear, and that you will feel “better” or more accomplished everyday is absolutely false. There are days when you feel like a failure, or like you’re sliding backwards, and that’s OKAY. In fact, that’s how it’s supposed to be. Experiencing failures and setbacks are proof that you are challenging yourself and trying new things, and you will always land in a better place, even if you don’t know exactly how or when!

What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know:

I am so excited to meet more women, and learn from you all! <3


HER STORY ⟡ Holly Ritter


HER STORY ⟡ Carly of Skinspired Acne Clinic