HER STORY ⟡Amy Schultz

Hey Beauty Boosters! I’m Amy and I’m a money coach and co-founder of Bolder Money. I live in the suburbs near Cleveland, Ohio with my partner, Jeff, and my two little boys, Jake (6) and Tommy (3). 

Describing what I do in my free time is always a little awkward for me, because my business IS my hobby. When I was a young girl, I would spend my time reading about the women’s rights movement, and the injustices women experience in healthcare and throughout their careers. 

My superpowers are authenticity and vulnerability, and in return I receive the most beautiful and heartbreaking stories from women who don’t have anyone to ask questions to about their money, or have gone their whole lives without talking about money. Throughout my life, I’ve always found myself on the other side of conversations with a woman sharing her story with me, about unfair treatment at work, or at home. It just happens! And I love it. I’ve always been called to listen, and offer a different perspective or a new way forward for those who are ready. 

Bolder Money is my third baby (lol) and we’re on a mission to close the wealth gap with compassionate money guidance for women+. Over 97% of our clients are women, and the most common sentiment we hear when they find us is that they are tired of trying to figure out money alone, but didn’t think affordable options existed for help. 

Why I started:

My co-founder and I started Bolder Money because we recognized a need for money guidance that looks at the whole person, and what they want out of life - at an affordable price. The standard of financial help has either been financial advisors, who only work with people who have already attained a certain level of wealth (and aren’t empathetic about lifestyle spending), and coaches who provide amazing value but at a price point that is beyond what most people are ready to afford. DIY guidance is out there everywhere, but it can be overwhelming and time consuming to sift through and find the specific information you need. 

Having someone take a look at your finances, talk to you about what you want your life to look like, and then help you make specific money moves to get there is a ‘game changer’ (in the words of our clients). 

What I love most about being a business owner:

My favorite part: when we meet women who have been looking for personalized financial guidance and realize that they can have their own money coach for only $49 per month, there are often tears involved! The relief women experience in realizing they are no longer learning how to earn more and keep more money alone is amazing to witness. 

I also love that I spend my time building something that is so impactful. People always ask me “if you weren’t working on Bolder, what would you be doing?” and I’m like - um, working on something really close to Bolder. It’s a dream to be building a product that truly helps people, and makes the little girl in me who used to read books about feminist activists really proud.  

Who or what inspires you?

People I don’t know IRL: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Janet Yellen, and Angela Davis. When I read stories of these women fighting for economic and social justice, I sit a little taller and get back to work, no matter how tired I am (my kids STILL don’t sleep through the night!!!). 

People I know IRL: My children, nieces and nephews: Emma, Maitland, Chloe, Ella, Jacob, Mia, Tommy, and Emmy. They are all fierce in their own way, and ask questions that need to be asked. If we can nurture the children in our lives to hold onto their fire and curiosity, the world will be a better place. 

What is your favorite piece of advice you've ever received or favorite quote?

“You are braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”

What does BEAUTY mean to you?

Beauty is the feeling when you look in the mirror, imperfections and all, and LOVE what you see! 

What advice would you give your past self just starting your business?

Stop overthinking it! It’s okay to learn as you go: business is a journey. 

What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?

Taking care of your finances is the best thing you can do for your wellbeing! Having a healthy relationship with money flows into all areas of your life, so if this is an area you want to work on, don’t wait to start: the best time is now. You’ll never regret it!

Beauty Boost Members get a free month of coaching with our 3- or 6-month memberships with code BOLDERBOOST. Go to www.boldermoney.com/how-it-works to sign up!

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HER STORY ⟡ Megan Adair


HER STORY ⟡ Kristen Dennison