HER STORY ⟡ Brittany Price

Today we are meeting Brittany Price, financial advisor at Northwestern Mutual!


Why I started:

I needed a better work life balance and knew whatever I did next I wanted to be my own boss, connecting with people, and hearing their stories. A family friend reached out as they heard I was leaving my project manager role at Samsung, knowing I had an interest in finance and thought I would be a great advisor.  After seeing their practice and what all it entailed, it was so much more than I realized. I knew this could impact my life but also so many others.


What I love about being a business owner:

I love the flexibility that comes with being in control of my schedule. Having a big family, work life balance is super important to me. I also love the fact that I can add my style and creativity into my practice, in an industry that can be kind of stale.  I can see my visions come to life and be in charge of my own path.


What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet and/or who purchase your products?

I hope to have a lasting generational impact on the people I talk to. I want all my clients to be able to live for today and still plan for tomorrow. By helping with the little things that add up to life changing habits and helping them protect themselves. So, no matter what life throws at them, they know they’re good!!


Who or what inspires you?

As far as what inspires me, music and traveling. Music has filled every aspect of my life and my family’s life. It can transport you back in time, motivate you in the moment or just be fun to dance and let loose. It was always easier for me to express myself through music. Then getting to explore, see and learn new things or experiencing new cultures when we travel. It opens you up to be inspired in different ways. As far as the people that inspire me, there’s so many but my family and friends are the biggest inspiration. Allowing me to be me, pushing me and just giving me so much love and support!!


What is your favorite piece of advice you've ever received or favorite quote?

We learn the most about ourselves when we fail, so don’t be afraid of failing. Its part of the process of success and you can’t have success without failure.


What does BEAUTY mean to you?

Being your most authentic self and feeling just as good on the inside as we look on the outside. 


What advice would you give your past self just starting your business?

Stop waiting for the perfect time to do something, just do it!!


What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?

Everyone no matter what stage in life they are in or what their current situation might be needs a plan. Some people put it off because they don’t realize that they need one and for others financial planning can be scary. As a woman in a predominantly male industry, I want to help other women feel more comfortable in this space and empowered around financial education and stability, while having fun doing it!!


Where our community can find you?

Website: brittanynprice.nm.com

Instagram: @brittanyprice_nm

Facebook: @brittanypriceNM


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