HER STORY ⟡ Elizabeth Vogler

Today, we are meeting Elizabeth Vogler, owner of Biz Fit!

Tell us about you:
Hi! I am Elizabeth, also known as Biz! I own Biz Fit, an active retreat company, and am also in non-profit management. With both positions, I spend much of my time planning events and creating programs. With my non-profit roles, I focus onthe arts and sciences, and I am the Director of the Festival of Science!

In 2016, I decided to take my ongoing love of sports, running and triathlon competitions into a new career move, and became a certified group fitness instructor with the Athletics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA). Now I teach in gyms all around Flagstaff!

After this exciting new addition to my life, I still wanted to find more ways where I could successfully apply my experience building collaborative partnerships, marketing and outreach, event planning, fitness and travel, and I created Biz Fit. Biz Fit is a company featuring active retreats that offer outdoor fitness activities, unique place-based excursions, and wellness experiences.

I love to share my zest for life with my clients, class participants and guests in all of my roles. Friends and colleagues tell me that I have infectious enthusiasm that is encouraging to others. Beyond my non-profit work and retreat planning, I enjoy running, paddleboarding and spending time with my three dogs in N. Arizona.

Tell us about BIZ FIT!
I get to combine my unique experience in event planning, fitness teaching and a background in cultural studies to create incredible, one of a kind experiences and memorable travel opportunities! It is a dream come true!

In locations like the red rocks of Sedona and the Caribbean coastline of Mexico, Biz Fit guests enjoy the great outdoors, wellness opportunities and cultural excursions. They learn something about the area, they go outside their comfort zone and get stronger for it, they meet like minded travelers and experience the trip of a lifetime.

In my research for retreat-based travel, I've found that participants often increase their confidence and boost self-awareness by trying new activities. Post pandemic, more and more women are signing up on their own for group travel, and are experiencing empowerment and transformation. Every day on one of my retreats, the itinerary is centered around outdoor activity, where participants can move and have fun. 

What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet/speak to?
My goal is to help guests live a joyful life, centered around movement and activity, learning new things about their experiences and about themselves. Biz Fit is ideal for clients looking to: prioritize self-care, wellness and fitness; de-stress; participate in unique travel; and make new friendships. Survey feedback has shown that the retreats leave guests renewed, restored and inspired.

What advice would you give to yourself from 5 years ago?
The advice I would give myself is that creating bold change in your life is possible. Changing jobs, pursuing drastic new goals, making big moves.... they may seem scary or even impossible. Feeling stuck can be paralyzing, but change is so freeing. I would tell myself to be bold, take action and explore your passions!

What does BEAUTY mean to you?
Beauty to me occurs when we embrace life to the fullest. When we truly recognize the joy of being alive by taking advantage of each moment, we build up our confidence and contentment. There is nothing more beautiful than someone confident in their life, their choices and the way they show up for themselves and others.

What do you love most about owning your own business?
I love being able to explore all of my deepest passions and share them with others. My passion motivates me to be the best version of myself, and one of my business goals includes supporting others to find their strength, grace and confidence.

Who or what inspires you?
I am inspired by people who are willing to embrace change to create their best, most fulfilling life. With just one shot on this earth, it takes guts to make it your own, but we are often conditioned to stick out what might not be the best for us. I am inspired by those who seek out ways to create their own happiness and truth.

Follow over at:
Instagram: @bizfitretreat
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bizfitretreats/


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