HER STORY ⟡ Gina of Kai Leia Clay Studio

Hey all! 
My name is Gina and I live in the beautiful mountains of Asheville North Carolina with my two sweet girls, amazing partner, and our fur babies! 

Kai Leia Clay Studio started out as a way to pass time during the pandemic lock down of 2020. I started seeing these videos on instagram of people making clay jewelry and became slightly obsessed! 

I have always found a deep love for art in any form and have found myself wanting to try as much as I possibly can so I began researching. I never really wore earrings before because of my sensitive ears and when I was younger they were stretched. I found that I struggled with heavy earrings or cheap materials that made my ears itch and turn red. I wasn't sure if making earrings would be my thing since I didn't really wear them! 
Next thing I know I am at the craft store buying supplies and it was then I discovered just how truly lightweight polymer clay is. My ears could handle them and I was able to wear them all day with no issues. I was amazed! Within a year I was doing markets and opening an Etsy store! While my small business is new, my passion is always strong! I love what I do! This business has changed my life in so many ways and I feel like I have been able to rediscover who I am outside of being just Mom! 

Why I started:
To try something new! I was painting alot on the side of my 9-5. I was doing custom pieces for friends and family but I was in a creative rut. I wasn't finding that true inspiration. I was exhausted from the demands of my job, the lack of being with my girls, and the pressure it was bringing into my home. I needed something of my own to be able to be present.

What I love about being a business owner:
I love that I am free to create what I want. I can sit down and let it all flow from the heart. I get to really take my time and let the process come from a place of love. I get to be involved with my children's lives which is always top priority and I get to set  up my own schedule and time! It's truly a blessing to be here! Plus who wouldn't love to be able to sit down and make a fresh pair of earrings to go with that new dress? 

What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet and/or who purchase your products?
I hope to have lasting impact of wonderful products that people will love and want more of! I hope to inspire anyone I meet along this journey to step out of their zone and do something they love and are passionate about. I hope that anyone that comes to my table and meets me face to face truly sees how much I love creating with polymer clay!

Who or what inspires you?
So many things inspire me! The women that surround my life and bring me wisdom. My girls who remind me daily how much fun it is to just stop and dance in the rain. My amazing partner that has pushed me in ways I have never known and has helped me reach the highest mountains!  My beautiful friends and home here in the Carolinas! I find myself inspired everyday by this beautiful space I am creating for myself and my family. 

What is your favorite piece of advice you've ever received or favorite quote?
Show up,  be yourself, and never stop pushing. 

What does BEAUTY mean to you?
To me beauty means happiness and self love! It took me a long time to figure out how to love myself! We are ALL beautiful! 

What advice would you give your past self just starting your business?
Just do it already girl!!! What are you waiting for?

What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?
That I love being apart of the amazing community of extraordinary badass women!! 

I am also offering The Beauty Boost Community an exclusive discount code: BEAUTY15 for 15% off

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