HER STORY ⟡ Hannah Brumlow

Today, we are meeting Hannah Brumlow of Gothic Disco Marketing!

Tell us about you and your business!

Gothic Disco Marketing is a social media marketing firm that helps small businesses show up as their most authentic selves on social media.


What impact do you hope to make through your business?

I've always been passionate about helping individuals achieve their goals and be the best they can be. With my business I want to help small businesses present the most authentic version of themselves on social media while also growing their business.


What is your favorite quote or piece of advice you’ve received?

My favorite quote is "slow and steady wins the race" I've always tried my best to live according to this quote especially when I get overwhelmed or feel like I'm not doing enough. This just reminds me to continue to show up because little moves consistently lead to success.


Can you share a moment when you felt truly proud of your accomplishments as an entrepreneur?

Any time someone recognizes my brand or the name Gothic Disco I feel truly proud of myself. When you are building a business from scratch it's always amazing for someone to acknowledge your company when they meet you for the first time.


What does BEAUTY mean to you?

To me, Beauty is how you treat people. I think treating people kindly, with respect and trying to help and be supportive of others in both their lives and business is how true beauty shines through.


What practices and rituals do you have that helps you create harmony/balance in your life & business?

Honestly, this is something I'm still working on as a new business owner, BUT I try my best to get outside as much as possible and reconnect with nature, it's when I feel the most at peace and the most creative. I also do smaller things like always lighting a candle or incense when I'm working, putting my phone away "after hours" since social media really never sleeps, I read A LOT because it helps me disconnect without a screen and I just love to read. Overall, I think the small things we do for ourselves throughout the day really make the difference.


What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?

I think I would really love for Beauty Boost members to know that no one has it as together as they seem like they do. Confidence falters and rises. Self-Love is something that is a lifelong effort and you MUST work to maintain it and really take time for yourself, especially as a business owner. As a business owner specializing in social media, I really want Beauty Boost members to remember that most everything you see on social media is fake. Aesthetics are curated, filters are used, and nothing is ever what it seems. So, take it all with a grain of salt and when you show up on your own social media, be who you really are, show what your life and business really look like,  and don't worry about trying to follow every trend, or aesthetic.


Follow Hannah on IG at @gothicdiscomarketing and visit her website at gothicdiscomarketing.com - shoot her a DM for more info on her IG Audits and Social Media Management packages. 


HER STORY ⟡ Lewanda Blackshear


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