HER STORY ⟡ Jenn Prochaska
Today, let's meet Jenn Prochaska of Write Marketing!
Why I started:
Simply put, I want to help solopreneurs who are just starting their businesses. They don't know anything about marketing, and they need expert direction.
I'm not someone who makes outlandish promises about generating millions of dollars with one hack. I didn't learn copywriting from TikTok. I'm not an influencer, bro-marketer or flashy salesperson.
I'm Jenn Prochaska (Pro HASS kah), a Message Strategist & Copywriter with 27+ years of marketing and writing experience.
I've worked at agencies, led in-house creative teams, and written just about everything possible. Today, 6- and 7-figure businesses of all sizes trust me to write their foundational messaging.
I started Write Marketing to help you — solopreneurs and new entrepreneurs who want to successfully promote their business.
What impact do you hope to make through your business?
Our impact will be in the revenue: I help solopreneurs make money by getting the most out of their marketing dollars.
Who or what inspires you?
Helping women succeed. The only way to smash the patriarchy is through economic gains. Women (and supportive men) need to make money.
What does BEAUTY mean to you?
A successful business is beautiful. Making money in authentic, honest ways that fulfill our souls is true beauty. It puts food on the table, creates community and advances people. It creates opportunities for progress.
What advice would you give your past self just starting your business or to a woman wishing to start her own entrepreneurial journey?
Be wary of influencers and hacks. Find people who are experienced, who've put in the time and effort. Those are the people you want to work with. Social media promises are not reality. Do your thing, and do it well.
What would you like our Beauty Boost community to know?
Effective marketing begins with effective messaging. There are tried-and-true basics that all the big brands know and follow. When you set this foundation, your promotion efforts will be more effective and efficient.
Website: writemarketing.co
Facebook: @writemarketing
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/writemarketing | @writemarketing
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jennprochaska/