HER STORY ⟡ Jennah Lear

Hey Beauty Boost fam, 
My name is Jennah and I live in Cleveland, Ohio, a slightly underestimated meca that I chose to call home right after college (just bought my first home here!). I’m the proud Owner and Brand Strategist behind Blue Loui Studio, LLC where I help purpose driven solopreneurs scale their brand to consistently attract dreamy clients and build a sustainable business that creates big impact and profit. 

My company was born from a build up of corporate angst, where I felt everything but happy. I remember looking around and feeling like all my college colleagues landed their dream job and kept asking myself: “what am I doing wrong?”

My salary wasn’t where I needed it to be, my days were filled with work I didn’t love, and I never had a seat at the table. Actually I was pretty much always in the back corner of the cube farm, hoping and dreaming of something bigger. 

I always felt that, like I was meant for more; ya know? 

Fast forward 7 years and so many uncomfortable decisions later (we’re talking investments, breakthroughs, mindset work, breakdowns ((alot of them)), fun and motivation, and lots of big risks that paid off), here I am…leading a company that focuses on helping fellow women entrepreneurs rise to become the leaders they deeply desire to be.

I don’t believe in a cookie cutter approach to this crazy entrepreneurship journey: you get to find a way that works for you, so you have can fun, create massive impact, and watch your bank account grow too. 

It was the job I never could land:  so, much to the joy of my rebel soul, I created it. 

7+ years, multiple six figure milestones, and lots of fun along the way, we’ve helped over 100+ women create and grow their brand, powerfully share their message, and nail down the one thing we tend to struggle with most when it comes to leading a mission we so believe in: learn how to consistently attract dreamy clients. 

It’s so much bigger than marketing!

And, I’m just getting started.

Choosing to go all-in on my business has not only helped change my work life, it’s created an opportunity for me to look in the mirror and make powerful choices that have shaped the woman I am today. 

Choosing to go all-in on my business has helped me come home to myself. 

And I want that for all the women business owners out there who know they’re meant for more too! You’re worthy of it babe, and your big brand magic is how we’re going to help you lean in deeper so you can level up faster. 

What I love about being a business owner?
Freedom; plain and simple. Financial freedom is the goal I think we’re all working on but time freedom is really what matters most to me. You can make back money, you can restore energy, but our time…our time is our most important resource. 

I’m so grateful every time I can just close the computer and head to the pool or the gym or go read a book in the park, on a random Tuesday at 2 o’clock. If you can do that in your business, control your time that is, you’re winning!

What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet and/or who purchase your products?
The type of impact I hope to have on purpose driven women entrepreneurs is for them to see themselves as the leader that they are. It really does just start with a choice.

I want to help them connect in deeper to their mission and why they’re perfectly on time and the best candidate for the job, to lead that mission and help more people. 

Those who are most attracted to my work in growing a purpose driven brand, tend to just “want to help people”. And the best way to do that is to be unapologetically loud, bold, visible, and highly generous. 

We need more women leaders like that in the world. 

That and, your brand is how you’re going to get there (the missing piece to your successful marketing plan).

Who or what inspires you?

There’s so much and honestly I get alot of my inspiration from traveling. Seeing different places, having different experiences. Of course I love a good podcast by Rachel Rodgers or Jasmine Star, or a good business book (I’m currently reading “The Pumpkin Plan” by Mike Michalowicz), but I know I actually manifest best when I’m in play energy; so I try to remind myself that when things are getting too sticky in the biz, to step away and have some fun. Book a ticket somewhere; go LIVE! 

What does BEAUTY mean to you?
It’s both an inner job and natural wonder, right? I think the more we work on our inner selves (our awareness, our emotional intelligence, our mindset, and healing our traumas), we allow ourselves to be even fuller versions of who we aspire to be; that’s beauty right there. 

Now on the flip side, I can’t lie: I love myself some beautiful shoes. But that’s a whole different conversation, lol.

What advice would you give your past self just starting your business?
As fearless as I was in the beginning, I made some moves that kept me stuck doing ALL the things. If I could give advice to my past self it would be: if you want to grow faster, you will have to take bigger risks and stop doing it all yourself. Also, start working on your money mindset now, so you can prepare for the success you dream of; because my take it this: you actually have to learn how to hold success (financially and otherwise). 

It’s a process. 


What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?
Ohhh, girl! If you are on a big mission, then you have a message to share. *Now* is your time to speak it bold and true!
And when you can get consistent with unapologetically sharing your message, you’ll naturally attract clients, opportunities, and next level success. 

And if you’re thinking: “I don’t know if I’m ready”…..here’s what I have to share:
When are you ever ready to jump off a cliff? There’s essentially no such thing as “ready”…..you just get to be done; done with playing small, done with being the best kept secret. 

I had a client share with me once: 
“This journey is so much more than just learning how to market, huh?”

To which I replied: 
“Probably the most profound thing anyone has ever said about marketing, my friend. And yes, yes you’re correct.”

So if you’re ready to lead as the go to expert (in your industry) and learn how to consistently attract your dreamy clients, that’s where you get to focus on growing your brand and also where I can help you!

Take my free Brand GlowUP quiz here, to see what your next best brand step is, for your unique business: 


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Facebook group for CEO moves + meetups (I share a lot of free material here):


Meet Dr. Walter Bernacki


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