HER STORY ⟡ Jessica of Arbonne

Hey all!

My name is Jessica and I live in the heartland of Lincoln, Nebraska with my husband, and someday my future fur baby puppy. 


I am having the time of my life with my Arbonne business and I am so grateful my fear of starting a new business is in my rearview mirror! 


Why I started:

In 2018, I was diagnosed with cancer and the news was devastating.  I did not take it well at all!  I experienced every emotion and every day was an emotional rollercoaster.  I was so disappointed in myself and I let myself go.  In 2019, I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes which was brought on from my cancer treatment.  Once again, I was a trainwreck of emotions and played victim, why me?!  When the pandemic hit in 2020, I was at my highest weight ever and I felt absolutely miserable.  I was tired of being tired, my self-talk was very negative and every time I saw myself in the mirror or saw my reflection all I saw was disappointment.  It was time I engaged the big guns and leaned into prayer.  I had to take control of me!  I had dabbled with Arbonne products for many years and I did notice a positive difference when I used them regularly.  It was time to use Arbonne as a ritual routine, in addition to healthier food choices and exercise, and I am pleased to say I have lost 72 pounds.  Life was feeling pretty good, and then bam, reoccurrence of cancer in September 2023.  Because of how good I was feeling about myself and faith, I took this news much better than the first time.  I didn’t let myself go back to my old habits.  Instead, I decided to launch my Arbonne business.  I thoroughly believe in their products and I love the community of women I have met.  This community has helped me get through the tough days.  Even though I’m still receiving cancer treatment, I’m exercising, eating cleaner, and following my Arbonne ritual faithfully.  I feel wonderful and I want others to feel wonderful and comfortable in their own skin.  I love meeting new people and Arbonne is a great way for me to help others and serve.  In a nutshell, I am definitely called to serve and Arbonne helps me do so.


What I love about being a business owner:

I love that my business allows me to have freedom in my life and the ability to easily manage a work life balance.  I can take my business anywhere I travel and I get to meet new people along the way.  It brings me great joy to see how I’m able to coach others on their health and wellness journeys and get through the peaks and valleys with them.  


What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet and/or who purchase your products?

Getting to know my customers helps me understand what their goals are and it helps me guide them through product selection.  I want to be that person when a person finishes a conversation with me, they tell their friends that I really listened to them and I truly heard them.  When I engage with another, I want that person to feel like the most important person.  I want to help people take inspired action on whatever they are trying to achieve.  I let go of my fear, and I took inspired action to start my business.    I look forward to seeing you at my table and I’d love to share my health and wellness passion with you, and I’d love to hear your story!  

Who or what inspires you?

Life is a gift and we have one shot at it!  My faith gives me inspiration to be the best I can be and serving others is at the top along with faith.  I have met so many people in my life that inspire me and of course, my mother, was an inspiration.  She never gave up and she instilled that in me.  Every one of us has a story and I’ve learned so much about life simply by listening and observing.   


What is your favorite piece of advice you've ever received or favorite quote?

Ask, and it shall be given you. Seek, and ye shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened unto you. - Earl Nightingale


What does BEAUTY mean to you?

Self-love is full of beauty.  I believe beauty radiates from inside. 


What advice would you give your past self just starting your business?

Go for it!!  If you fail, you’ve learned from it and don’t let it stop you from trying again.  Failures lead to success!


What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?

I love to see others succeed and I want to help others grow. 

Where our community can find you?





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