HER STORY ⟡ Krista Bommarito

Today, we are meeting Krista Bommarito with Burn Bootcamp Anderson!

Tell us about you and your background:

I have a degree in Hospitality Business from Michigan State University.  After I spent several years in the hospitality industry, I soon realized that if I wanted to settle down and have a family a career change was in order.  I then began a career in the financial services industry, working my way to the Chief Compliance Officer at a wealth services firm.  In 2018, I knew I was being called to do something more, something to support others, something to help women and something that would change lives.   That more came to me through Burn Boot Camp!  My husband- Tony & I became Franchise Partners with Burn Boot Camp and opened the doors at Burn Boot Camp, Anderson Township in 2020! 


Tell us about your business and why you started it:

Burn Boot Camp – Anderson Township is a community of people dedicated to the common pursuit of fitness while finding support, motivation, and inspiration in each other. 

I started Burn because I knew I was meant to do something to support other women.  I had watched and learned from the women who went before me.  Those who fought for rights and equality we sometimes take for granted.    I somehow wanted to give back to that movement.  What I found at Burn- confidence, the feeling of empowerment, and the mental strength I gained - I wanted to share that with others. 


What do you love about being a business owner:

I love the challenge of running a business.  It is not always easy or glamorous, but it is exciting to do challenging things.  I have learned so much in the last 5 years about myself and have experienced a level of personal growth I would not have gotten from my previous career.


What advice would you give yourself from 5 years ago OR your past self just starting a business?

Do not operate out of fear.  Set big goals, and make a plan


What does BEAUTY mean to you?

Beauty is found in the authenticity of being yourself.  Finding the confidence and strength that allows you to know you are perfect just the way you are. 


Who or what inspires you?

The members at Burn Boot Camp- those who show up to the gym and do the best they can. 


What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?

Great things happen when you challenge yourself.  I know it sounds cliché, but if you want to change you have to get out of your comfort zone.  It is okay to be scared and question whether you can do something you have never done before.  But, speaking from experience, you never know what you are capable of until you try! 


How can our community connect with you/find you?

Instagram: burnbootcampandersontownshipoh

Facebook: burnbootcampandersontownshipoh

Website: www.burnbootcamp.com/locations/anderson-township-oh/

Email:  andersontownshipoh@burnbootcamp.com


HER STORY ⟡ Emily of The Unique Balance


HER STORY ⟡ Krystal Welch