HER STORY ⟡ Sarah Malone

Today we are meeting Sarah Malone, owner of Spark: The Secret Place!

Tell us about you! 
My name is Sarah Malone. I have been in the health and wellness industry for almost 10 years. My journey began as I sought healing from my own traumatic past of eating disorders, cutting, rape and other traumas. I had always had an intuitive designed mind, and this was part of my biggest challenge / pain growing up. Knowing, feeling and seeing things and not understanding how to manage or process this caused me to turn towards unhealthy behaviors as a means to connect with myself. I began in fitness as I found healing for myself, which turned into my own business and becoming an inspiration to many as I shared openly my journey and passion for healing and health. What began as a fitness company with my ex husband, turned into a soul awakening journey which led me to divorce and begin my own company that focuses on the entire being and all things wellness including our mental health, spiritual / energetic bodies, and the physical body. My gifts were tapped open in the awakening journey as I discovered miracles happening with my hands, my language, and many other forms. I am a passionate individual who is “all heart”. I bleed and ache for humanity and it’s what makes this life worth living for my own souls purpose here! 

I take growth and life with serious reverence, and I am committed to my own growth and healing so I can serve in a way that people need because I UNDERSTAND and SEE at a deep level! 

Tell us about Spark: The Secret Place 
Spark: The Secret Place is a place of refuge, strength and healing for every individual who wishes to grow, heal, and find a community and family who is on the same path and frequency as themselves. It is a place of holistic wellness solutions that are centered around the entire PERSON; mind, body, and spirit.

We are professionals in mental health with the use of clinical hypnotherapy. As the owner, I facilitate soul transformation through a process I like to call “Transformational Soul Evolution” sessions that are unlike any other energy work you will have experienced. And we have several coaches who specialize in nutrition and fitness training. 

Ultimately, the Secret Place is a place people come to receive healing, and a place for healers to come to learn and refine their skills and be able to use their gifts for a higher purpose. It truly is….the Secret Place, that is not so secret :) 

What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet/speak to? 
Our trademarked name “Ignite the Spark Within” is a deep meaning phrase that explains the impact I wish to make. It is my prayer and mission that everyone who comes into contact with me or Spark gets “Sparked” in a way that changes their trajectory of growth and living more towards their soul’s destiny path. 

Too many of us, and humanity as a collective, are living out of alignment with our divine design. So much so, that the earth and our surrounding 5d environment had to make a correction. As a part of the collective mission of warriors whose aim is to shift humanity more in line with heaven on earth, it’s my mission to be a catalyst for growth, healing, and inspiration to anyone who wishes and is ready to be a part of that collective healing. I will be whatever that person needs when they are brought to me. It’s my belief that people who need me find me at just the right time. My impact is to be the ignition that sparks the soul within you! I help you find and heal the reason for whatever dysfunction is causing you pain or discomfort so you can consciously create your life, and live into your purpose with passion. 

What advice would you give to yourself from 5 years ago?
This is simple for me. If I were to advise myself I would tell myself not to hold everything for everyone. I would remind myself that everyone’s healing is not my responsibility. It’s theirs. I would also tell myself to go into where my heart is passionate sooner and not to worry about what others think or say about my decision to do that. Act sooner on your intuition and smell the flowers along the way instead of trying to do everything yourself. 

What does BEAUTY mean to you? 
Beauty to me means being who we were created to be and owning that. Each one of us is so uniquely beautiful and perfect in every way. And when we discover our own inner beauty, step into it, and allow the judgements of others to fall away, we allow that to blossom into the world like a flower. It brings beauty to everyone around us and makes the world shine brighter. Beauty is owning our own uniqueness and individuality and stepping it unapologetically! 

What do you love most about owning your own business?
I LOVE the freedom it provides me to be able to live into EVERYTHING I am called to be and do and not have to feel confined by doing something that may bring me out of alignment with what truly makes me passionate. Truthfully, I dislike being a “business owner”, but I LOVE the opportunity it creates for me to connect with, serve, and bring people together. This is the greatest gift. To shift culture by the community that I can create when I set my own rule! 

Who or what inspires you? 
What inspires me is love and growth. I find everyone I meet inspires me in ways, and we can all learn from and be inspired by each other. I get inspired by someone’s ability to act courageously and independently. When they choose themselves and their purpose and live in a way that goes against societal constructs. I am inspired by the POSSIBILITIES that we have as humans and how people are waking up to and taking action on this. It brings me hope and inspires me to work more into my own gifts to be a part of that collective movement!! JESUS is my main inspiration and guide! 

What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?
I want YOU to know this, if you find yourself peeking at Spark it’s because you FEEL something. Trust your inner knowing. People who know that they want to optimize their life and step into who they were always destined to be find themselves in the community of Spark, and they stay because it FEELS different because of the one ingredient you can’t “market”.....HEART! You’ll feel that the second you click on anything with the name Spark. If you want healing, growth, and connection, you’ll get that here! 

Follow over at: 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarah_sparkfitness/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SarahSparkFLC/


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