HER STORY ⟡ Dr. Sarah Crawford of Anchor Wellness

Hey girl!

Today we are meeting Dr. Sarah Crawford on Anchor Wellness in Cincy!

How I got started
At 8 years old, I decided I wanted to be a Physical Therapist. Graduating from the University of Miami (FL) in 2011, I returned back to Cincinnati to begin my career. My post-doctoral training is all manually based which required me to be hands on with clients and I soon realized that the traditional model of physical therapy (insurance based) was going to impede my ability to treat individuals the way I knew they should be treated. In 2014, I left traditional health care to start practicing in a fee-for-service based clinic in Hyde Park Square along another fantastic physical therapist / founder. Working together, we helped grow a practice from the two of us to a multi-disciplinary team of 12 by the time I left to start Anchor Wellness in 2019.

Anchor Wellness Center was an opportunity that organically presented itself as my own individual practice evolved and I saw the benefit of collaborative care across the spectrum of health disparities. I also knew there had to be a place where really driven, specialized and unique providers could work in proximity to deliver better care and reduce the strain thats often carried by business owners. With that said, the Anchor Wellness Center is an integrated health and wellness collaborative, brining like-minded, client centric and specialized providers into the same space. For the consumer, we are a mini-system of independent providers who have your best interest in mind with no financial incentive to refer. For the business owner, we are an all-inclusive business management, strategy and support co-working space.

What is My Mission?
My mission is to change the way health and wellness services are delivered. Consumers of health and wellness services immediately become inferior to their provider and the goal of the Anchor Wellness Center is to empower YOU to be well. I wanted to create a space that the best of the best would want to practice in that priortizes individuals, putting them at the center of their care.

How do I stay motivated?
Success stories. Hearing the stories of those we've affected. Whether its a clients who has lived in chronic pain, someone who has struggled with body image or weight and bounced around from fitness center to fitness center or the business owner who felt isolated and overwhelmed, I yearn to help solve problems and amplify each others abilities.

Where to connect:

Jasmine Wright

Founder of Jasmine Digital


HER STORY ⟡ Kelsey of Shift Motion Studio


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