HER STORY ⟡ Robin of The Baby Fairy Shoppe

Hey girl!

This week we're introducing ya to an amazing gal: Robin Barber of The Baby Fairy Shoppe!

Tell us about you!

Hi everyone, I’m Robin! I’m married to the love of my life and have been for 33 years. We have a beautiful son and daughter-in-law who just welcomed their first son - my world!

I've worked in the corporate world most of my career, but always wanted to have my own business. When 2020 hit, I was forced to go part-time and that was my green light to turn my dreams into reality which is when The Baby Fairy Shoppe was born.  

Tell us about The Baby Fairy Shoppe 

The Baby Fairy Shoppe is a gift-giving service that allows you to send anonymous gifts to someone special in your life that is expecting a baby.  You choose the gifts you want to send from our website and we do the rest. We ship your packages based on the due date.  It could be once a month, twice a month again based on how many products you purchase.   The last package has a beautiful card to reveal when their ‘baby fairy’ arrives.  I started this concept years ago when my good friends had a difficult time getting pregnant. When they did end up getting pregnant, my husband and I knew we had to do something special to celebrate such a wonderful experience. 

What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet/speak to?

My goal is to keep putting smiles on all the expecting moms out there.  I hope when she receives these packages it will make her day. 

What advice would you give to yourself from 5 years ago?

I would have told her to never give up - that if there is something you want to do and believe you can do then you should do everything you can to make it happen. 


What does BEAUTY mean to you?

To me beauty is not just appearance, it is also what you bring to the table from within. 


What do you love most about owning your own business?

I love the continuous opportunity to learn all the in’s and out’s of owning your own business. I also love solving and navigating the entire process as every day is different than the one before. 


Who or what inspires you?

There are endless people, but most of all my grandmother who always said ‘always reach for the stars.’  She ran her own business for over 50 years with such grace and dignity and I intend to follow in those footsteps. Also, a very dear friend of mine who has owned his own business for a little over 12 years.  I not only continue to learn from him every day, but he believed in himself and is inspiring me to do the same.


What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?

We as women deserve to reach for the top! Believe in yourself, never give up and you will do just that - reach the top. 


Follow over at: 


Instagram: the_baby_fairy_shoppe/

Jasmine Wright

Founder of Jasmine Digital


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HER STORY ⟡ Tyka of Purely Wrapped