The Inspiration List

Happy Monday!

This past week I took an amazing ocean front yoga class with a really inspiring instructor. She talked a lot about inspiration and how we must focus more and more on turning inward and what lights up our soul.

What's an Inspiration List?
It's pretty simple. But effective. So no eye rolling.
You make a list of the things that inspire you. This can be challenging if you've felt disconnected from yourself lately and all the more reason to do it! Just jot down anything that comes to you.
Then take action. Begin to add these things into your life. Life can feel extremely dull if we aren't living our lives according to what lights us up!

Here's an example of some things that are on my list for inspo:
*Dog walks
*Travel of any kind
*Phone calls with my friends + family
*Going into my co-working space, Haven Collective

PS Grab our October + November events on the link below!!

Xo, Rachel


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