Sunday Friend Planning Concept

Happy Monday!

A couple of our fellow Beauty Boost city owners do this concept with their friends every Sunday and I LOVE IT! It's my goal to start this in 2023. There's even research showing how this helps the longevity of your life + mental health.

What is the Sunday Friend Planning Concept?!
It's where you get together with a friend or two for a couple hours on a Sunday (or whatever day works best for you all) and plan out your week ahead TOGETHER. Some even use this time to meal prep together with friends! You can schedule out your movement/fitness (solo or take a class or two together) + list out meal planning + work time + fun time and any and all things.

Enjoy and let me know if you already do this or have other fun pieces to add to this! Email me:

PS Grab our October + November events on the link below!!


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HER STORY ⟡ Chanda Mundi