5 Rituals for Productivity

Happy Monday!
I want to talk about rituals that help with things like productivity, decision making, healthy habits and getting OUT OF a space of anxiety, overwhelm and chaos:)

Productive rituals are habits you build which help you get through your day.  You will build these over time. Below are my 5 examples but the goal is you build out ones that work for YOU. 

How you start the day directs the day. Make a list of what you want your mornings to look + feel like then work backwards to carve out the time starting with when your alarm goes off. This can be as simple as: I wake up at 6:30am, make a cup of coffee, review my day ahead and write down 3 things to be grateful for.
Easy Peasy ritual. 

2. Your Day
I remember when I first time blocked ALL the things on my list there was absolutely no way I was going to achieve even half of it. I had a majorly unrealistic list and didn't see that until I associated time blocks with it. Figure out what has to get done for that day and then shift the rest. 

3. Nighty Night
I saw a tiktok clip of a guy who wanted to start getting up at 5am to workout. He did it for one day then stopped. He realized that every morning he had SO MANY decisions to make like what to eat for breakfast, find his workout clothes etc. He eliminated all the choices by prepping the night before so really, all he had to do was wake up, put on the clothes laid out for him, drink the smoothie he premade the night prior and out the door. From then on, he was successful with his plan. 
Figure out what you need to do to setup a better morning and do it. 

4. Create a day that aligns with what you need/want
Pretty much all of us have to work. Recently I was feeling like I'm dreading my work days. Then I thought, I created this! Why don't I just create a new style of a working day. So I'm attempting (at least for the summer) to really dig in and focus Monday-Wednesday then do a two hour block on Thursday/Friday. We'll see how it goes;)
Regardless, you CAN add in and release things in your day that align to HOW you wish to live. If you want to feel invigorated and add in more fun, then you won't turn on movies for 5 hours after work. You'd instead, schedule in more FUN which could be an outdoor hike meetup with a friend on Wednesdays, etc. 

5. Be mentally prepared
Life does not go according to plan a lot of the time. It helps to be in the mental space to be able to roll with the punches. If you're a stressed, frazzled, anxious mess, it will be very challenging to do so. Do what you need to stay grounded and mentally healthy. This could be an assortment of quality books, skillsharing podcasts, surrounding yourself with very supportive & positive friends, talking to a counselor consistently, prayer and on. 


XO Rachel - The Beauty Boost

**Heads up! Our website is getting a makeover and may be down for the next 24 hours:) Hang tight cuz it's gona be awesome. 

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Jasmine Wright

Founder of Jasmine Digital


HER STORY ⟡ Tyka of Purely Wrapped


HER STORY ⟡ Ashley Schmidt of Anchor and Thrive!