HER STORY ⟡ Ashley Schmidt of Anchor and Thrive!

Hey there!

This week we're introducing ya to an amazing gal: Ashley Schmidt of Anchor and Thrive!

Tell us about you!
I have worked in the criminal justice system for over 13 years. I am a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor II in the State of Ohio. I have worked in several capacities, but my focus has been working with vulnerable populations including, but not limited to, those suffering from mental illness, drug addiction, homelessness, veterans of war, and victims of human trafficking.  These interactions have taught me so many valuable lessons about human behavior, the most important being human resilience.  

2021 was a year of exploration for me.  I loved my job, I loved my boss, I loved my co-workers, but I felt that something was missing.  I had all of this work and life experience to bring to the table, and I needed to turn it into something powerful.  And then I found a health and life coaching program that changed my life forever.  Not only did I become a Certified Health and Life Coach, but I also experienced the exact program I offer to my clients.  I claimed my true identity and uncovered my deep desires of what I really want for my life.  I believed in my vision so much, that it made my fears irrelevant.  I said yes to myself and started my Life Coaching business, Anchor and Thrive.  

Tell us about Anchor and Thrive!
I often get asked, “why does a client choose a coach at all?” In general, a client seeks out a coach because something is occurring in their life that they don’t want to be experiencing anymore.  The client either does not know how to do it differently, or they have gone as far as they can on their own.  By the time they come to a coach, they are in the mindset of feeling stressed, stuck, frustrated, upset, scared, overwhelmed, and likely at a crossroads.  I would even go so far as to call this their breakthrough; that moment in time when the client claims they can’t continue on for one more minute like this.  And that’s where I come in!  

My ideal client is someone whose breakthrough occurs in their relationship or their career.  The big areas of change within these niches are (1) clarity, (2) communication, (3) self-love, (4) boundaries, (5) trust, (6) authenticity, (7) appreciation, (8) giving and receiving, (9) fulfillment (10) energy, (11) ambition, (12) commitment, and (13) personal responsibility.  

I offer a 90 Day Program that is designed to uncover what the client’s vision is for their life and determine what’s stopping them from having that.  I will be there to cheer the client on, stretch them out of their comfort zone, and challenge them to get curious and question how they are currently approaching the different areas of their relationship or their career.  As a Life Coach, I am here to unlock the client’s potential so they are empowered to create anything they desire in this life.  

What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet/speak to?
My goal is to help every client have the courage to choose to live in their inspiring future.  I want each client to be deliberate about what they want to create, and give themselves permission to be brave with the next chapter of their life.  

What advice would you give to yourself from 5 years ago?
I would tell myself that every struggle I face is a part of my right of passage on my way to becoming the future version of who I want to be. And I would tell myself that the turbulence is an opportunity to build my character.

What does BEAUTY mean to you?
Beauty is someone who is truly nourished. This is someone who recognizes that nutrients affect our well-being, and those nutrients come from all areas of life; Relationships, thoughts, sunshine, sex, sleep, connections, work, children, school, etc. Beauty is someone who dares to be deeply nourished.

What do you love most about owning your own business?
Honestly, I love having something that is all mine. I love that a year ago I had a vision, and that vision has come to fruition because of my beliefs about who I am and what I want.

Who or what inspires you?
The list of people who have inspired me is endless. One common trait amongst them? They dared to fail. They stopped talking about it and actually did it. They decided that going for it was more important than winning or losing.

What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?
You deserve to be happy. There is no earning that needs to happen as a prerequisite. Learn from your past mistakes but don’t live in a perpetual purgatory because of them. The only thing keeping you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself about why you don’t have it. Let me help you rewrite your story!

Follow over at: 
Instagram: anchor_and_thrive
Facebook: Anchor and Thrive: Health and Life Coaching

Jasmine Wright

Founder of Jasmine Digital


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