7 Strategies to Love your Life

Happy Monday!

I've been chatting with friends lately and it CAN FEEL like all we do is wake-up, workout, work, chores, watch a quick show and go to bed (insert take care of kids if that's you too)!

Life can feel chaotic + fast-paced and NOT IN A GOOD WAY. 


Here are 7 simple yet powerful strategies for creating a life you truly enjoy and love! Let me know what you think!


1. Cultivate Gratitude: I know, I KNOW we've all heard about gratitude til nausea BUT it changes your MINDSET which changes your life. Practice mini “shifts” of gratitude throughout your day. Change “I have to” to “I get to.” 


2. Prioritize Things YOU need aka Yourself: If you aren't doing this, it's nearly impossible to FEEL good mentally + physically. You need your cup to be full. Make a list of what this is for you & commit to those things. 

Examples: dog walks, reading, yoga class, tbb events, cooking, etc


3. Pursue Your Passions:  This is a BIG ONE. What lights you up from the inside out? Whether it's painting, kickball league, gardening, or writing, make time for activities that ignite your passion and bring you joy. Try to carve some of these into your weekly agenda.


4. Work on Real/Authentic Friends/Connections: I know it's hard but let go of people who deplete you and bring you down. Get them out of your life. NOW.  Seek out genuine connections with like-minded individuals who share your values and passions.  Pro tip: TBB events are a great place for this!


5. Embrace Mindfulness: Try not to fast forward your life (mentally). It's hard. Practice mindfulness whether it's through meditation, deep breathing exercises, or mantras. This brings greater clarity, peace, and joy and helps you make better decisions. 


6. Set Meaningful Goals: Take intentional steps towards creating the life you desire by setting clear, achievable goals aligned with your values and aspirations. Whether it's starting a new career, traveling to a dream destination, or learning a new skill, break down your goals. This takes carved out time and getting quiet with yourself to KNOW what you want. Then work on getting that.


7. Practice Ebb n Flow: Life is unpredictable, and sometimes things don't go as planned. Embrace the ebb and flow of life with grace and resilience. Cultivate a mindset of flexibility and adaptability, allowing yourself to pivot and adjust course when necessary. I try to change my lens of “failures” into learning lessons. I'm a planner but knowing things likely won't go exact helps my mindset. 


Ultimately, creating a life you love is about aligning your actions with your deepest desires and values, embracing authenticity, and finding joy in the journey. 


Enjoy + Find your Cities Events below!

<3 Rachel 


HER STORY ⟡ Angella Aizire


HER STORY ⟡ Tracey Jacobs