Five Mantras for the Week!


I use mantras all the time. They can shift our mindset + mood and change the course of the day...all by repeating a few simple words to ourselves.

Here are five mantras I LOVE that you can give a try or find the ones that speak to you!

Monday: "I don't chase. I attract."
Tuesday: "If not now, when?"
Wednesday: "I am conquering my fears and becoming stronger each day."
Thursday: "No matter what, it always works out the way it's supposed to."
Friday: "I am worthy."

Don't forget, you can always CREATE your own mantra or even use one word to repeat over and over.

PS: This week we're sending a little love to one of our partners: [solidcore]! Ever tried them?? They're a 50-minute high intensity, low impact resistance training Pilates workout using slow and purposeful movements targeting the core, lower and upper body. The best way to learn is to jump in and take a class! The class sizes are small, so you’ll get personalized attention during class!


HER STORY ⟡ Rachel Cottrill


HER STORY ⟡ Carrie Riley