HER STORY ⟡ Alycia Wiggins

Today we are meeting Alycia Wiggins, owner of Among the Wildflowers Charcuterie!


How did you get started? 

It started out as a hobby that I used to to as a special treat for my employees that grew into a passion! 


What was the AHA moment that finally made you take the leap to open your own business?

I think my aha moment was when I received such positive feedback from my family and friends! It gave me the confidence I needed to take that leap!


What do you love most about what you do? 

It’s hard to pick just one, I love so much about what I do! Some of my favorite parts of the job are getting to expand my education in the history of different cheeses and charcuterie, being able to travel to find rare ingredients! I also love being able to partner with local businesses and being able to grown my own florals in my greenhouse that I use on each of my products. Teaching workshops and getting to interact and meet new people is also another highlight of my career! 


What's it like being a female entrepreneur?

It is so rewarding! I have gained a new sense of pride and I feel so accomplished and proud of where this began and where I am now! I am so excited about the future! 


What advice would you give any woman wanting to start or grow her business?

 Take the leap! Trust and believe in yourself even if those around you don’t! Only allow support in your circle! What was the most difficult lesson you learned as a small business owner? Not to compare myself and my growth to others and not to give up when times get tough! 


How can others partner with you? 

We love collaborating with other local businesses! We are always looking to add as much “local” and “farm fresh” as we can to our products! We also love adding sweet treats like cookies, macaroons, etc! So if you offer any of the following we’d love to partner! 


How do we find you? 

www.Amongthewildflowerscharcuterie.com / Facebook.com/amongthewildflowerscharco / 

Instagram: Amongthewildflowerscharco 


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