HER STORY ⟡ Amy Lane Monroe

Hey there! I'm Amy Lane Monroe, owner of Offset Clarity! Thanks for taking a peek into my small business! I am a retired restaurant manager/serving of over twenty years. My family and I moved to Asheville NC from Queens NY in '94. I always feel grateful for being able to experience both the city and the country growing up! I am a mother of two and married to my first true love, 17 years later but hey it's the journey, right? 

These days you'll find me working from home, in my small Harry Potter under the stairs workshop. Or, on a pretty day working from my porch! I'm passionate to create everyday ORGANIC self-care products your whole family can enjoy. Such as Soy wax, candles I hand pour into my handmade vessels. Truly handmade from start to finish! I also offer a hair and skin care line.  I have always been the type to enjoy working with my hands and being creative. Being able to now do this with something I feel strongly about has been so fulfilling and happily unexpected! I will continue to work hard to reach my goal of opening my own store to offer more of these products to my community.

Why I started:
There are a few reasons I started my business, mainly I found myself during the pandemic like most of us reevaluating certain things. Even though I didn't stop working during that time my schedule did change a bit. My children were home more, and I was able to see a side to their days I don't get to see. The small things (that are inevitably big things) seemed much more important. Words like "necessity" were talked about constantly. We could now more easily see the difference between calmer days, cooking at home more often, being able to see loved ones, verses media dividing us, big companies and marketing lies, overspending, working for the weekend, and on and on. There is a fad for everything and there isn't always the CARE going into products we TRUST to buy, with all this hard-earned money. It had me thinking, how could I create a different world for my children. How could I feel truly fulfilled in this lifetime and appreciate really why we are all here? I, like many of you have just trusted to go purchase some of my favorite everyday items without questioning a thing! Until the pandemic made me question everything! There are SO many unnecessary ingredients in our everyday products that can harm us. Seriously, its mind blowing!  I decided to at least take that control back offering my family and yours organic and handmade everyday items and I freaking love it! I carefully select each ingredient I use, and I promise it's all made with love! 

What I love about being a business owner:
Being a business owner is no small feat! Its challenging and scary and uncomfortable and one of the best things I've ever done! Its growing me in ways I never expected, and most importantly seeing a happy customer because of something I've created and feel passionate about has to be the sweetest cherry on top! 

What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet and/or who purchase your products?
I hope I can make people happy, truly. I have had so many difficult moments in my life that at times made me feel like having the life I have now would've been impossible. I want everyone to know that anything is possible, and life is HARD but BEAUTIFUL! And we all have a different journey. I have done everything in life " backwards", but have I really? 
I love sharing my knowledge from what I've learned in life and about my business with just about anyone that wants to get all into that! 

Who or what inspires you?
Currently number one my husband. The encouragement and belief he has in me pushes me everyday! Also, Frida Kahlo. If I am weak I either just cry and let that happen or think of her and laugh at the doubt.
What is your favorite piece of advice you've ever received (or favorite quote)?
"Storms make trees take deeper roots" - Dolly Parton 

What does BEAUTY mean to you?
I think beauty to me is being knocked down and getting up.  Self-awareness and inner work. Small acts of kindness. Mountain views for miles.  Also, grit, grit is freaking beautiful. 

What advice would you give your past self just starting your business?
Girl, this is so exciting! You won't be good at this every day. But doors will open, you will connect with some amazing people, and you will learn so much about yourself! 

What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?
I want you all to know which you may have already realized, women are amazing. And wear a ridiculous number of hats. And this world can be very backwards at times. So, take your journey as your own! There is no time limit and others' expectations to worry about. End your days with peace as often as possible. Eat chips and cry whenever you want and sing and dance whenever you want! 

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me! 

Instagram: @offsetclarity



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