HER STORY ⟡ Amy Natalie

Today, we are meeting Amy Natalie of Amy Natalie Co!


Amy Natalie is an author, podcast host, and a women’s empowerment coach with over a decade of coaching experience. She specializes in helping women to emerge as the most authentic, confident, and self-expressed versions of themselves. 


Her mission is to ignite women into their feminine power so that they can live a life of confidence, pleasure, and purpose. As a community leader, Amy creates transformational spaces for women to experience radical healing and deep soul-connection through her retreats, workshops, events, and group coaching programs. 


Amy is the author of The Feminine Way, and the host of the Feminine Frequency Podcast, which has over 320 episodes, reaching women all around the globe.


Why I started:

Growing up, I saw how passionate my dad was about his business, which ultimately led me to pursuing my own path as an entrepreneur. After graduating from college, I followed my passions for nutrition and holistic health coaching to support others to improve their physical and mental wellbeing. During this time in my life, I was navigating my own mental health challenges with chronic depression and anxiety, which guided me down the path of exploring personal development and spirituality. At the age of 27, I built up the courage to get divorced, I overcame my depression, and  created a whole new life that was truly authentic to my soul . This is where the real magic started to unfold - I attracted my dream clients, traveled the world, moved across the country, and entered into an amazing relationship. As my life transformed, I shifted the focus of my business to Women's Empowerment coaching to teach my clients how to listen to their intuition and confidently go after their dreams. There is nothing that brings me more joy than watching women reclaim their power to create a life of fulfillment and freedom!


What impact do you hope to make through your business?

At the core, I am here to guide women back home to their personal power. When a woman knows who she is, is clear on what she wants, and has the confidence to go after it, she is truly unstoppable. My mission is to help women to create a life that is deeply authentic and aligned with who they came here to be. From this place, they are able to cultivate healthy intimacy in their relationships, step into their purpose, and create a life of pleasure and fulfillment. Not only does this benefit Her, but it also increases her capacity to create an impact in her family, community, and the people she is here to serve.


Who or what inspires you?

I feel incredibly LIT UP by women who show up as their unapologetic selves and courageously go after their dreams. I love witnessing women share their creative and intuitive gifts to make a positive impact in the world. I also feel inspired by women who are willing to be vulnerable and authentic in their relationships. I'm all about women who walk their and who show up REAL AF in person and online.

Do you have any tips on overcoming challenges/mistakes/self doubt?

Hell YES!!! The truth is that if you're going after your dreams and stepping out of your comfort zone, it's inevitable that fear and insecurities are going to come to the surface. 


Here is my 5-step process of working through any challenges that come up.


1. Bring awareness to your go-to patterns when things feel challenging or when you feel stuck. Do you Procrastinate? Overwork? Sabotage? Isolate? Distract?


2. Next, pay attention to what thoughts or fears are coming up for you when you're in your pattern - usually this is where your inner critic is saying things like "Who do you think you are to do this?" "What if it doesn't work out? "What's wrong with you?" "You're not good enough"


3. Let yourself FEEL the emotions - perhaps you feel frustrated, sad, disappointed, scared, anxious etc. Put on a 10 minute timer, turn on some music, and let yourself express any emotions that are coming to the surface. You can also express your emotions through writing them out in your journal. 


4. CHOOSE a new thought or belief that feels more supportive and encouraging to remind yourself of how POWERFUL and COURAGEOUS you are. This is where positive affirmations are really effective.


5. Decide on one baby step that you can take that will move you towards your desired outcome. Make sure this step is a small and actionable step so that you don't feel overwhelmed by it. Taking steps forward will help to feel more clear and confident to keep on going!


What tools, resources, or books have been most helpful to you on your entrepreneurial journey?

The thing that has helped me the most on my entrepreneurial journey is surrounding myself with other women who are on the same journey or a few steps ahead of me. Being part of various masterminds, women's retreats, and group coaching programs, has helped me to expand my belief of what's possible and feel less alone on my journey. 


A few of my favorite books:

You Are a Badass by Jenn Sincero

Rise Sister Rise by Rebecca Campbell

Dollars Flow to Me Easily by Richard Dotts


What does BEAUTY mean to you?

To me, beauty is about embracing all parts of yourself. It's about accepting your gifts and your flaws and feeling confident in who you are. This is when your inner beauty starts to glow and people are magnetized to your energy.


What practices and rituals do you have that helps you create harmony/balance in your life & business?

Every day, I start my morning with a simple daily ritual to feel peaceful, clear, and grounded. Sometimes this looks like listening to a guided meditation, other times it looks like putting on some music and dancing, or it could look like writing in my journal. After that, I like to get a workout in, eat a nourishing breakfast, and then I feel ready to jump into my work day.

I also find it helpful to take take mini dance breaks in the afternoon or go for a walk outside.


What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know? 

There is no such thing as failure! When you take action towards your dreams you will either succeed or you with learn something new. Just because you make a mistake or don't reach your goals the first time you try, it doesn't mean that 'you are a failure' or that you'll never reach your goals. It just means that there is opportunity for you to grow and try again! 


Another important one that I've learned is that not everyone is going to like you. When you are showing up as your authentic self, there are going to be some people who are magnetized to you and other people who don't resonate with you. Your job is not to get everyone to like you - it's to focus on the people that you are here to serve


IG: @amynatalieco



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