HER STORY ⟡ Danielle Ledezma with DivaDance SATX + Laura Hampton with DivaDance Alamo City
Today, we are meeting Danielle Ledezma with DivaDance SATX + Laura Hampton with DivaDance Alamo City!
Why I started:
Danielle: In 2019 I was post divorce, newly remarried, and finishing publishing my novel, Izzy in El Mareo, when I learned about DivaDance. I was in a place where, while I enjoyed my corporate job, I wanted to give more than I was able to give in that role. I was drawn to the values that so closely aligned with my mission for publishing my book, which was to create a safe space where people could take off their armor and love who they truly are, without shame. I wasn't thinking about starting a business but the ideals drew me in, and once I took a class at the DivaDance in Austin, I was HOOKED! I knew San Antonio needed this, because I needed this!
Laura: I began with DivaDance San Antonio in 2019. I needed a little extra cash while I was in Law School to pay for my car. During my time I began to see the impact that DivaDance had on it's members. I saw first hand people walking in scared and nervous and overtime building their confidence and skills. Their confidence translated to different areas of their life, work, home, school, seeing that made me realize that I never wanted to leave this space. At DivaDance I saw people from diverse backgrounds not only meet but build genuine connections and friendships. We do more than just dance. We inspire confidence and build community, truly. I knew that South San Antonio would love it and so we brought it here!
What I love about being a business owner:
Danielle: After almost 6 years of business ownership the best part for me is still seeing lives changed every single day. Whether it's a new person walking through the studio doors and finally feeling SEEN, or someone on my staff leveling up a skill set they've always wanted to work on. It brings me so much joy to watch people grow and become a better version of themselves, and walk into their next chapter with their head up and heart open.
Laura: I love the support system and the amazing owners that I get to learn from within DivaDance. I also love that I get to build a team with people who not only love and support me but who love what we do and want to share it with others.
What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet and/or who purchase your products?
Danielle: I hope to leave them feeling better than when they found me (or this community)! My hope is my presence, and our community, uplifts and encourages people to love what they see in the mirror every day, and to believe in themselves just a little bit more after an encounter with me or DivaDance.
Laura: My purpose has always been to help and support people. I hope that when people come into our space, or meet me, that they feel safe, seen, respected, and loved. We're building a space where people can allow themselves to have fun and be free. I hope that each time they step into our studio and take a class with us they grow a little more confident, that they love themselves a little more, and that they remember just how special and capable they are.
Who or what inspires you?
Danielle: It sounds trite but honestly , Beyonce! She is my same age and the things she has accomplished, unapologetically, are incredible to me. Have you watched her Netflix special about her RENAISSANCE Tour? You need to! She is never settling, never resting, always leveling up and seeking out how she can do and be better for her fans, for her family and most importantly, for HERSELF. The person who inspires me every single day is my 3 1/2 year old daughter who reveals so much love and hope and resilience just through being a toddler. The way she views the world, questions the world and imagines the world gives me motivate and inspiration every day! Also... nothing inspires me more than a beautiful beach (or mountain) sunrise!
Laura: Our members! I've seen them grow and GLOW!! I literally CRY when I see them dance in class (shhh don't tell them lol) But watching them live their best life, hit the move, cheer for each other, and radiate from how proud they are of themselves makes my heart so full. It always reminds me that THIS is not only where I want to be but where I a meant to be.
Laura: We have a question that we ask our staff and it's "Who is you Favorite Diva" My response is always the same - Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Not just as a woman who became a Supreme Court Justice but as a person who always looked out for others and who didn't allow her self to be defined by physical or genetic attributes. The level of hard work, resilience, and dedication she put forward to helping others is the same that I strive for.
What is your favorite piece of advice you've ever received or favorite quote?
Danielle: I just heard this one today and it's going to stick: "I don't want to just give my [family/daughter/friends/community] what's left of me, I want to give them the best of me." Cori Hill, CHill Counseling on speaking about self-care!
Laura: My mom was gravely ill a few years ago and she made one of the most impactful statements the day before her surgery. She said "I want to live." It was impactful to me because so many of us go through life doing "the things" and not really taking the time to affirm that we want to be alive, in this moment, in the next, and for as long as we can. I, too, want to live and I want to help other want to live too.
What does BEAUTY mean to you?
Danielle: To me beauty is loving yourself and the confidence of that shining through!
Laura: Beauty to me is kindness, to ourselves and to others.
What advice would you give your past self just starting your business?
Danielle: Girl, it's a marathon not a sprint!! The downs are followed by ups so when you are down, look up and keep your head high. Let those feelings of defeat and doubt melt away, and just take the next step. You don't have to see the end of the journey to take that next step!
Laura: Oh my goodness! I don't even know LOL - I just got here! I think it would be that I don't have to be perfect and that I can rely on my team.
What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?
Danielle: I love this incredible community of women who support and connect with each other! Come dance and snag your TBB discount using code TBB20!
Laura: To come give us a try! Don't let your fear of trying something new stop you from experiencing something fun! We believe dance is for everybody (every body too!) The hardest part is showing up because once you're here, it's fun and easier than you thought!