HER STORY ⟡ Dr. Heather Walker

Hey girl! Today, we are meeting Dr. Heather Walker of Advanced Wellness!

What I love about being a business owner: 

There are many reasons why I love owning my own business. First of all I get to work with amazing people that our team handpicks to spend our work life time with. My husband and I started our business with nothing but passion to help people be healthy. Over the years we have found a new passion in cultivating our growing team and supporting their passion to impact the lives of our patients.  

What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet and/or who purchase your products?

The impact we strive to have in our patients should be evident in their everyday life and health. We want to see them playing with their kids easier, being more active, sleeping better, healing faster and overall noticing a healthier connection with life. 

Who or what inspires you?

Our patients inspire us everyday. We are still constantly amazed at how much our bodies and minds can heal when given the chance. Improving our mind- body connection can overcome even the most chronic and challenging health issues. 

What is your favorite piece of advice you've ever received or favorite quote?

Consistency is key. This rings true in your message, passion, communication as a business owner but also in your wellness routine over the course of many years. The impact doesn’t come from doing something amazing for a couple months and then going back to your old habits. Health in your business and your body comes from the little good choices everyday that add up overtime! 

What does BEAUTY mean to you?

Beauty comes from health on the inside! If you are not able to be active, you experience regular pain, bad posture or regular sickness then there is no amount of  superficial services to mask it. Beauty will project from you when you are vibrantly expressing life from the inside.  

What advice would you give your past self just starting your business?

Think beyond your day to day tasks. Get out of your comfort zone with each level and transition in your business. Always have fun doing what you love. 

What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?

We all have routines, washing our faces, creams, exercise, dental care but is care for your mind-body connection in your routine? I have had our style of care in my routine for 30 years now and get to enjoy all the activities I loved in my 20’s the same way now. Except now I get to chase my 3 kiddos around and keep up with them. Make sure you have great wellness chiropractic care in your routine, it will change your life and improve your future self!


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HER STORY ⟡ Marina Zahran