HER STORY ⟡ Dr. Jane Drobin

Today, we are meeting Dr Jane Drobin with Turnpaugh Health!


Tell us about you! 

My name is Jane Drobin. I am married to my best friend, Tyler and we have two kiddos (Alena & Aleks) and our dog, Roxy. I grew up in Lancaster County, spent a few years out in Chicago for my medical training. I love to spend time with my family, read anything medical and spend time out side. 


Tell us about your business! 

Turnpaugh Health and Wellness is a functional medicine practice. Functional Medicine is a type of medicine that looks at the root cause of disease. We want to understand not only what is happening, but why. 


What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet/speak to? 

One of the principles of functional medicine is, "Doctor as Teacher." So both in my personal and professional life I love educating. I am there to help my patients understand their health issues, implement changes with diet and lifestyle and supplements. I want them to understand what their lab values mean and what their healthy journey is going to look like. I want to empower them. In my personal life, I love educating those around me who are interested in learning about medicine and a healthy lifestyle. 


What advice would you give to yourself from 5 years ago? 

Be confident. Trust the process. 


What does BEAUTY mean to you? 

Something the mind appreciates or is subconsciously distracted by. I think you can find beauty in anything--if you look. 


Who or what inspires you? 

A lot of things inspire me. My husband, kids, colleagues. But my parents have always been my first and biggest inspiration due to the obstacles that they have gone through in life and came out on top of. 


What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know? 

You are responsible for your healthcare. Advocate for yourself, do your own research, trust your gut. And if you don't like your health care team, find a new one! 


What is your favorite quote? 

"If you want to bring happiness to the whole world, go home and love your family" --Mother Teresa


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