TBB August Reset: Simple Self-Development Tips to Finish the Year Strong

Hey Gal! Happy Monday!


We just came back from our Ohio SummerCamp weekend retreat getaway and it was ALL ABOUT filling your own cup and feeling confident + living a life with intention.


I think a lot of us feel the same way or are going through similar “life stuff” but we don't talk about it much so here are some tips n tools if you're needing a little boost of six “not so basic” self-development pieces to help you finish 2024 strong…WITHOUT THE FLUFF!



1. Set a “Not-To-Do” List

We always hear about to-do lists, but what about the things you shouldn't be doing? Take a few minutes to jot down habits, distractions, or even relationships that are draining your energy aka ENERGY VAMPIRES. Clearing out the clutter in your life will make space for the good stuff to flow in.


2. Schedule a Solo Date

I'm talking about quality time with yourself—no phone, no distractions. Whether it's a hike, a coffee date, or even a trip to a museum, pick something that feeds your soul. This is your chance to check in with yourself, reflect, and recharge. Trust me, you'll walk away feeling more in tune with what you truly want.


3. Audit Your Circle…THIS IS MAJOR

Take a hard look at the people you're spending time with. Are they lifting you up or dragging you down? Sometimes, the best self-care is making sure you're surrounded by positive, supportive people with aligned goals. It might be time to gently distance yourself from energy drainers and instead invest in those who truly have your back.


4. Create a “Wins” Journal

Start a “Wins” journal and jot down your victories/celebrations b/c it's easy to overlook these—big or small. Every time you look back, you'll see a growing list of accomplishments that remind you just how capable you are. It's a total confidence booster!


5. Do a Digital Detox Day

Pick one day this month and completely unplug. No emails, no social media, no scrolling. Use this time to reconnect with real life—read a book, go for a walk, or just enjoy being present. It's amazing how much clarity and peace you'll gain when you step away from the digital noise. Notice how you feel mentally at the end of the day.


6. Invest in Learning Something New

Stretch your brain a little! Whether it's a workshop, an online course, or even picking up a new hobby, challenge yourself to learn something outside your comfort zone. It doesn't have to be career-related; it could be as fun as pottery or salsa dancing. New skills keep life interesting and help you grow in ways you didn't expect.


Hope you loved these six steps to reset, refresh, and power through the rest of the year. 


XO Rachel- The Beauty Boost


HER STORY ⟡ Alyssa of Boujee Dog Bites


HER STORY ⟡ Dr. Jane Drobin