HER STORY ⟡ Holly Joy McCabe

Today, we're meeting Holly Joy McCabe!


Tell us about you and your background!

I started my career in the health space the minute I was old enough to get my first certification and have been in the health space in one way or another for 20 years. I spent many years developing skills in the fitness, nutrition and bodywork spaces, and also competed as a strength athlete during that time. I owned a gym and wellness center for eight years in Nashville, TN and while I loved every minute of it, eventually I wanted to expand my work and mission globally. I am now a Licensed Somatic Trauma Therapist, Applied Neurology Practitioner, Holistic Life Coach, Energy Psychology and Psych-K® facilitator. My work combines various elements of somatic (body-based) therapy, energy work, brain training & rewiring, nervous system regulation, and working with the subconscious mind. My approach helps people release trauma and emotions, regulate their brains and bodies, and rewire their conscious and subconscious minds for massive healing, growth, happiness, and success. I still have a love for health, fitness, and nutrition and also low-tox living and beauty and educate on these topics on some of my platforms, but the more I went through my own healing journey the deeper I took my professional work to encompass full mind/body/spirit.


I am the creator of a complete mind/body transformation process called The Satori Method, the owner of a women’s holistic vitamin and beauty company Zen In A Bottle, speaker, author, and Podcast host, and I believe strongly in conscious, ethical enterprise in business.


I am also a trauma, CPTSD, domestic violence and chronic illness survivor and thriver which is what lead me to the trauma healing space 15 years ago.


Overall, my mission is to help women learn to truly transform their lives and health by healing at deep levels first and building from there to cultivate confidence, power, and self-love.


Tell us about your business and why you started it! 

I started my gym because I was obsessed with how powerful strength training was to build confidence and empowerment in women and I had been transformed by weight lifting. Since typical gyms are intimidating and full of stigmas and judgments, I wanted to have a place where people felt comfortable and included.


I started my supplement line because I love the science of how powerful the right nutrients are for our mental and physical health, but hated how poor quality and toxic 90% of the supplement industry was. With Zen In A Bottle, we go the extra mile to only make the most science-backed and high-potency formulations. Most importantly, we source only the highest quality ingredients and lab test every single bottle for safety and purity and to make sure they are free of heavy metals, toxins, molds, etc. This is what the supplement industry needed so that people could truly get the benefits and none of the risks.


I started my deodorant line because I couldn’t find a single natural deodorant that actually worked. I have several severe chronic illnesses and need to reduce as many toxins as possible as a part of staying healthy. I went mad scientist over the pandemic and spent 10 months experimenting and formulating what is now known as “The best deodorant on the planet”, Zen Pits. I also help educate other women on how to reduce their toxic load in a stress-free way with my platforms and community called Low Tox And Pretty.


I started my trauma therapy and coaching practice (Brain Body Speak) because I spent many years fighting against my subconscious mind trying to achieve success and dealing with unhealed trauma that caused me a lot of pain, suffering, and conflict in my life. As I dove into the deeper layers of the neuroscience and somatic healing fields and realized what was REALLY holding me back, I became obsessed with how transformative these therapies were. I knew this was the deeper key for most women in their healing journey too and that I wanted to be a part of that.


What do you love about being a business owner?

Almost all of my businesses started with a personal struggle, finding solutions, and then committing to help more people do the same! I love that I get to see people go through the same healing journey as I did and change their lives. I also love the endless ability I have to use my creative energy in a positive, world-changing way and do it on my terms.


What advice would you give yourself from 5 years ago OR your past self just starting your business?  

TRUST yourself more! You’re smarter than you realize, more capable than you think, and will be more successful than you can imagine if you keep working hard and believing in yourself. 



What does BEAUTY mean to you? 

Truly feeling confident in who you are and feeling authentically expressed. To me, fitness, nutrition, makeup, fashion, and skincare, are all beautiful self-care arts that can help you achieve that! Healing our deepest fears and traumas is another major beauty activator.


Who or what inspires you?  

Honestly, women in general inspire me. Being in the field of trauma therapy for many years you gain this profound appreciation for how incredibly unique and resilient so many women are. Each of us has a lifelong journey full of hardships and pains yet you’d often never know because of our strength and grace. Humans are incredible.


What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know? 

If you’re struggling with something in your life that feels hopeless or insurmountable, don’t give up hope! There are so many incredible tools, therapies, practitioners, and communities in this world that can help you heal and change your life into whatever you desire. Trust me, I’ve been there, and I know what it’s like to want to give up. Keep fighting for you, keep showing up, you’ve got this.


How can our community connect with you/ find you?

On May 6th I will be leading TBB Biz workshop: Brain, Body, Business: Removing Barriers to Help You Scale and Grow Your Business. 



Brain Body Speak









Zen In A Bottle Beauty & Health




Low tox beauty, skincare and lifestyle



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HER STORY ⟡ Lauren Braswell and Toni Tipton