HER STORY ⟡ Hope Pedraza

Today, we're meeting Hope Pedraza of inBalance Studios!


Why I Started:

To create a one stop shop for total wellbeing, where people can learn how to love and care for their bodies in the most holistic and comprehensive way possible.


What I Love About Being A Business Owner:

 the flexibility to create my own live and the creativity to create whatever my heart desires into my business.


What The Of Impact Do You Hope To Have On Those You Meet And/Or Purchase Your Products? 

To move for the joy of movement, not because of how it make them look but because of how it makes them feel, and to truly learn how to care and nourish their body holistically, accepting, listening to and honoring their unique needs. 


Who Or What Inspires You? 

life… my kids, my husband, trailing to new places, meeting new people, seeing new things, trying new foods, interviewing incredible people on my podcast… all of this inspires me and drives me forward in my business. 


What Is Your Favorite Piece Of Advice You've Ever Received Or Favorite Quote? 

That as long as you keep going, your success is inevitable. 


What Does BEAUTY Mean To You?

Beauty for me is how you feel on a soul level. It's about how your soul feels living life and how it fuels everything that you do. A soul-fueled life is a beautiful life.


What Advice Would You Give Your Past Self Just Starting Business?

Don't be afraid to just be you and let that lead you in your business… you don't have to try to be or act like anyone else but you. 


What Would You Like Our Beauty Boost Members To Know? 

That I love deep conversations about life and the wisdom life offers us :) 


website: inbalancestudios.com 


IG: instagram.com/thehopepedraza 

email: hope@inbalancestudios.com


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