HER STORY ⟡ Jessica Gronas

Meet Jessica Gronas, Certified Personal Trainer, Precision Nutrition Coach, Yoga Teacher- RYT 200 and Arbonne Independent Consultant.


I offer online personal training, nutrition coaching and several programs that include 10 Minute Workouts for 10 days, a 6 Week Lift Program, Fit and Faithful Program: incorporating Fitness and Faith, and supplement support for gut health.


Why I started:

I have a history of disordered eating that reared its ugly head during intensive training for a Figure Competition in 2016. I was the leanest I’d ever been, but also the most unhealthy.

Because of this difficult experience and healing journey, I knew I wanted to make a difference in the lives of other women who struggle with body image and overall confidence. Helping people is truly my passion. I want to help women find sustainable, healthy habits that will last them a lifetime. I’m so over hearing about quick fixes that leave people feeling defeated. You name it, I’ve tried it. That’s why I can truly stand behind what I teach and share. It’s a game changer!


What I love about being a business owner:

I am so thankful for the people I've been able to connect with as a business owner. My number one thing that I love is making an impact on the world. I hope my positive vibes, realness, and resilience in times of adversity inspire others to do the same. Without this opportunity I wouldn’t have the experiences, travel, friendships, or personal growth. I love the creative outlet it gives me, and the fun I get to have in my business.


What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet and/or who purchase your products?

I’m here to help people overcome their challenges. I hope they are impacted positively for life because of my programs/products. Not only that, I see a ripple effect from those who have participated. They are able to make a positive impact on others because of their own happiness. I want them to have fewer aches and pains; to have more energy; and to have confidence within themselves.


Who or what inspires you?

My faith is so important to me. I know that being connected with my faith has truly changed my life; my body; my outlook. I’m inspired by my clients who do the work to live their best lives. Seeing wins from other women is such an inspiration as well.


What is your favorite piece of advice you've ever received or favorite quote?

Now faith is being certain of what we hope for and confident in what we don’t see. Hebrews 11:1


What does BEAUTY mean to you?

Beauty is true happiness. When someone is confident in themselves, and KIND to others, they exude beauty. Beauty is internal.


What advice would you give your past self just starting your business?

You’re going to change the world. Keep going!


What would you like our Beauty Boost women to know?

I am so thankful for the Beauty Boost Community. There truly is nothing like it. Please know I’m here to help, listen, and be a new gal pal! Can’t wait to get to know you!


I am also offering The Beauty Boost Community an exclusive discount. DM me on insta to grab it!


Where our community can find you?






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