HER STORY ⟡ J’nez Thomas

Meet J’nez Thomas, owner of Sugaring NYC Gahanna!


Hello TBB community and Sugar lovers!


We are thrilled to introduce the FIRST all-organic hair removal and lash studio franchise to the Columbus market!


Our sugar paste used for hair removal services consists of only 3 ingredients - sugar, water, and lemon juice!


Less ouch; no bad stuff and perfect for those with sensitive skin. Say goodbye to razor burns and stubble (Bye, Felicia!), because everyone deserves safe and natural beauty enhancements! Sugaring is a natural and gentler hair removal method that leaves skin smooth and hair-free for longer. Unlike shaving and waxing, sugaring exfoliates the skin and reduces the risk of ingrown hairs and irritation.


Why I started:

I fell in love with sugar waxing over seven years ago because of my sensitive skin and low pain tolerance. Although I love the smoothness after a wax, I was tired of sounding like Homer Simpson (Doh!) every time I needed a service. Once I discovered sugaring, I was hooked!


What I love about being a business owner:

The people! I truly believe that communities are the bricks that build success. I meet so many amazing people on a day-to-day basis that inspire and motivate me to show up better in this world.


What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet and/or who purchase your products?

To feel beautiful year-round and not just on self-care days!


Who or what inspires you?

This one is hard to pin down…. Life experiences - not just my own but learning from those who are willing to be vulnerable and share. People who show up every day with grit, perseverance, and grace to tackle the day. People who find joy in small things and pass on their smiles. Every time I meet someone whose aura is bright, I am inspired.


What is your favorite piece of advice you've ever received or favorite quote?

Your vision wasn’t a conference call. Who cares if they don’t understand how you move.


What does BEAUTY mean to you?

Beauty is confidence; beauty is hard;  beauty is inspiring and forever changing. Beauty is everywhere,  in living and stationary things. Beauty is perfectly feminine and masculine. Beauty is resilience, flexibility and elasticity.  Beauty means you being you and me being me.


What advice would you give your past self just starting your business?

Everything is negotiable! Familiarize yourself with general construction and commercial lease terms before having a seat at the table. This way you can combat embellishments in real time.


What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?

Sugaring NYC is not just here to bring you smooth skin but to truly be a part of the community. Everyone is welcomed!


Where can our community find you?


Website: Sugaring NYC - Sugar Waxing Hair Removal. Locations Near You.


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