HER STORY ⟡ Julie Stover

Hello Everyone,

My name is Julie Stover, and I live in Rittman, Ohio with my husband and our dachshund Brutus.

Julie Stover Fitness started "unofficially" with me finally taking control of my own health. From my late teens into my early thirties if something great happened, I celebrated with bar food and cocktails. If life happened and stress hit, it was the same thing. These two things had become my unhealthy coping mechanisms. I didn't exercise, my confidence was nonexistent, and my anxiety and depression were high.

At the end of February 2015, I made the decision to take care of me. I started exercising at home and had accountability through a community online.
Next thing you know I was having success. Taking consistent action and showing up for myself. My energy increased, I started feeling confident, and my anxiety and depression started to ease up. I started helping others do the same through coaching, fitness classes, and an online community.

When the pandemic hit my life as a fitness instructor came to a halt. Gyms closed and the in-person connection was gone. My heart HURT! I knew I had to do something different. That's when Julie Stover Fitness, my virtual live fitness studio "officially" opened.

What I love about being a business owner? I love the flexibility and freedom I have. I can teach from anywhere and have a bigger reach with being virtual. There are options to train with me LIVE or individuals can catch the replays through the on-demand library. Fitness that FITS YOU!

No More Guesswork – Log in, press play, and move.
No More Overwhelm – Simple, clear guidance removes decision fatigue.
No More Doing It Alone – The live classes & coaching add support.
No More All-or-Nothing Thinking – They build habits one step at a time.

What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet and/or who purchase your products? 

I hope that I inspire many to take action and control of their health. Fitness doesn't have to be hard or take all day. You just need guidance and support on finding your FIT!

Who or what inspires you? 

The many women I've had the opportunity to link arms with, to sweat with, to see grow and achieve their goals. Seeing their smiles and confidence shine. My husband's unwavering belief and support. He's been there through the ups and downs. I'm forever grateful! The memory of my mom and dad and their stories are part of my WHY that keeps me going.

What is your favorite piece of advice you've ever received or favorite quote? 

"If you want to soar in life, you must learn to F.L.Y (First Love Yourself)" ~ Mark Sterling

What does BEAUTY mean to you? 

Being your authentic self.

What advice would you give your past self just starting your business? Keep going! There will always be bumps in the road. Take those moments and reflect, there is always a lesson to be learned! Lastly, people need you and your gifts.

What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?
This community is amazing and the friendships you create are priceless. Can't wait to meet you at the next event!

$10 off ZYIA - message/email me and FREE virtual fitness class

Instagram - @juliestoverfitness
Email - juliestoverfitness@gmail.com
Website/App: https://www.somble.com/juliestoverfitness



HER STORY ⟡ Amanda Frank