HER STORY ⟡ Kasey Tench

What’s up gals?


I'm Kasey and I live in Concord with my husband, two floofy gold dogs and one kitty (are we also going to count the bunnies, birds, lizards, frogs, and possums that live in my garden?) Rooting For You started as a doodle on a notebook while I was teaching Counseling and Mental Health to some high schoolers in 2020. I was teaching my students the power of using your voice to build the life of your dreams and one of them asked me if teaching them was the life of my dreams. Oof. I loved them, but my life was far from dreamy.


It was Covid school, everything sucked. All the things I loved about teaching (being in person and facilitating super fun and hands on lesson plans) were no more. I was in a dark space mentally because the year prior I chose to face my healing journey head on and medication free. Heads up -- that meant that everything I was repressing through medication and alcohol was bubbling up to the surface to be processed.


I was working with a Life Coach to support me in figuring out WTF I wanted to do with my life and I realized that a lot of what she was coaching me through was what I was already teaching my high schoolers about. Weave that with a healing journey through Auto-Immunity, BOOM, she's going to open a business in Holistic Healing.


Why I started:

I was told in 2018 that I would be immobile in the next two years. I was riddled in chronic pain and illness and the western route of medicine was giving me more diagnoses, more medications, and killing my hope in any kind of life that felt like joy. I was drowning in grief and refusing to look at my repressed trauma. I was drunk and sought peace in pills. No one told me I was killing myself by every lifestyle habit I was choosing. Until someone did. I started a business in Holistic Healing to empower the gals struggling in similar places to do something with their story. I began so I could create a platform to sharing healing loudly and proudly with every single suffering woman I meet.


What I love about being a business owner:

I am free. Everything is up to me, my schedule, my growth, what I create or don't create, what I accomplish, or don't -- It's mine. On my time. It's terrifying and it's empowering all at the same time.


What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet and/or who purchase your products?

If you don't walk away from conversation with me feeling empowered and educated, I have immediately not fulfilled my mission. The women I am in conversations with are curious about how plant medicines can aid them in their healing journeys and are educated to choose the right products for them uniquely. The women purchasing plant medicine products from me are most commonly holistic high achievers who understand that their health is in their own hands so they work diligently to prevent illness.


Who or what inspires you?

Brene Brown. In her book Dare to Lead, she introduced a name for leadership that deeply resonated with me. I already lead this way but lacked the vocabulary to describe it. Lead with a soft front, strong back, and wild heart. To me this means love with your entire being and take no shit while laughing at yourself through every step of the way.


What is your favorite piece of advice you've ever received or favorite quote?

Remember who the fuck you are.


What does BEAUTY mean to you?

Beauty is energy to me. It's an essence, feeling, and emotion. It's light and airy and comes with a sparkle that can't be described. The most beautiful people I know are electric, full of life force energy and a wide open heart ready to share it with others.


What advice would you give your past self just starting your business?

All growth is cyclical. Just like your healing. Your low points will always be followed by successes you could never even dream of.


What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?

Your story is worthy of being heard. Your body is worthy of being trusted.


Where can our community find you? 
Kasey will be guiding us through the importance of authentic marketing and how to genuinely connect with your audience during our next Beauty Boost BIZ event on August 19th. More details are HERE


And check out Kasey’s website:



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