HER STORY ⟡ Kayleigh of The Revival Project

Meet Kayleigh, owner of The Revival Project!


Kayleigh helps people navigate their spiritual journey. Meet her below!


Why I started: 

Often I hear the statement “I’m not happy, I repeat the same patterns, I see what habits I need to change, yet I can’t find a sustainable way to make changes.” This is the platform in which Revival Project 614 LLC was born. I believe there is a tangible system to navigate ways mental and spiritual issues block us in our physical world. I’m passionate about helping other to understand their stories and redefine their story as a platform of empowerment; leaving the victim mentality behind. When we truly understand ourselves, we can begin using our past to fuel the future. Everyone has a story, it is powerful, it has meaning, and others relate to what you’ve gone through. This is why I started coaching others with Revival Project 614. What I love about being a business owner: I love the freedom owning a business offers. There is beauty in forging a path for others. When there is a way to help others find happiness - I believe this should be shared. It is our duty as humans to help others with the gifts we’ve been given. We all have strengths; to share this with others is our greatest gift.


What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet and/or who purchase your products?

It is the mission of Revival Project t614 LLC to help others recognize trauma loops and free themselves from repeating patterns. My clients are able to bring awareness to developed limiting beliefs and go forward with a choice to live differently. The change happens within your daily habits.


Who or what inspires you? 

There have been so many people who inspired me throughout my journey. Influential motivational speakers such as Tony Robbins, Inky Johnson, Mel Robbins, Jim Rohn, Ed Mylett, and David Goggins who challenged my beliefs. Coming from a world where mindset was a foreign concept, I found that seeking answers becomes a way of life. Look to those who have done what you want to do, and let them guide you, then find your own uniqueness in that market. We hear that “what we think, is what we attract” but what does that truly mean? Understanding that our perception shapes our reality was a fundamental building block in what I do. Financial independence, physical health, romantic relationships, career growth - it all hinges on our beliefs of self.


What is your favorite piece of advice you've ever received or favorite quote? “Every yes to something, is a no to something else.” As a recovering people pleaser, I had to learn that saying no to something, was saying yes to something else. When I focused on where I was spending my time - it allowed me to open time for self growth.


What does BEAUTY mean to you? 

Beauty to me means accepting yourself fully. Beauty is confidence. Beauty is loving all parts of you. Beauty is living in a way that fully encompasses all your passions. To my past self - I wish you loved yourself earlier. I would tell my past self to embrace all the things you love, even if they don’t generate income. Don’t diminish you passions because someone told you that market is saturated or you don’t have enough knowledge to pursue it. If something excites you, embrace it, share it, and learn all you can about it.


What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know? 

I want Beauty Boost members to know your uniqueness is what you offer the world. No one can do what you do how you do it. Embrace it.


Follow her on IG at: Revivalproject614 

Email her at: revivalprojecy614@gmail.com


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