HER STORY ⟡ Kim Shambaugh

Today, we are meeting Kim Shambaugh, founder of Never Settle Lifestyle!

Hey y'all!

My name is Kim. In 2016 I moved from western North Carolina to Cleveland, Ohio to be with my boyfriend at the time (now husband!). We eventually bought a house to live in with a big yard for our two dogs on the west side near the Metro Parks.

I've always aspired to show people their potential. I first worked as an Esthetician for a decade doing skincare, makeup, + bodywork + eventually became a CrossFit Coach. 

I knew nutrition was my true calling + that one day I wanted to start a business. Due to my own experiences with eating disorders, weight loss, weight gain, body image issues + trauma, I vowed that if I ever figured out how to overcome these things I'd show others how to do the same. (Listen to episodes 1 + 2 of my podcast to hear the whole story!)

Never Settle Lifestyle, my fully virtual holistic nutrition + lifestyle transformation company began in August 2019 right before the start of the pandemic. This business has evolved into so much more than nutrition. It's about self-healing, change psychology, + transformation on an energetic level so people can step into their full potential + dare to live their most fulfilling lives.

Why I started:
People assume "Never Settling" is about pushing hard! + Hustling more! Never resting!- no, no. It's about not settling for less than what you're truly capable of. For that to happen you must go deep. You must do some inner work + gather the self-awareness to create what it is you *really* want! I believe everyone is worthy of that. I believe that we were not sent to this earth to work, pay taxes + die. We're here to thrive + if I can show you how, then I've done what I've been sent here to do.

What I love about being a business owner:
I LOVE setting my schedule!  I'm a pretty sensitive being + find that I have different energy levels every day. I love the flexibility of my work hours + work settings + that I'm not doomed to be trapped inside for 6+ hrs a day under fluorescent lights. If I want to take time off or work extra hours I don't have to answer to anyone to do so!

What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet and/or who purchase your products?
If we ever work together I'd love for you to be able to say that because of our time together, you're living life in a way you never knew possible. I'm here to show people how to thrive. There is so much value in feeling the vitality of your body, having a balanced nervous system, + deeper self-awareness so you're in the driver's seat of your life. 

Who or what inspires you?
Anyone with a story that overcame + excelled despite all odds.

What is your favorite piece of advice you've ever received or favorite quote?
Fear is nothing compared to the freedom of self-discovery

What does BEAUTY mean to you?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You truly could be the juiciest peach + not everyone will like peaches. True beauty is about having the confidence to be 1,000% your true self. True beauty is more about your soul's essence. What sort of presence do you bring into a room? *That* is your beauty! You have to think about what beauty means for you. Not what you've been told. Live by your *own* definition of it + don't demonize someone if they disagree! If beauty for you means having your outsides match your badass insides go for it! Everyone gets to choose for themselves what that means for them.

What advice would you give your past self just starting your business?
Don't feel sorry for yourself that no one is showing up on your IG lives, I know it feels like no one's watching but because of your persistence, in 2022 you go viral + gain 10's of thousands of followers overnight + end up cultivating an awesome community. Keep showing up. Also, notice the ways you procrastinate. These are sneaky ways of self-sabotage. Fear is just an illusion. Take action despite it + be gentle with yourself.

What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?
If you have a dream + you're equally excited + terrified that means you HAVE TO go for it! Don't worry about the how. Just take the first step to get started.

Get a FREE 1-hour coaching session with me using code TBB8888

TikTok + Instagram: @neversettlelife
website: www.neversettlelife.com
podcast: The Never Settle Life Podcast


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