HER STORY ⟡ Kirsten Reitan

Hello! My name is Kirsten, and I live in Amherst, NY near the powerful and awe-inspiring Niagara Falls, the architectural wonders of Buffalo, and two of the Great Lakes – Erie and Ontario. I enjoy spending time practicing qigong (meditative movement) near these bodies of water and in other natural settings around the area. My dream of offering healing started out with the heart-breaking loss of my dog Molly and my father. Molly was a rescued dog who had had a rough life before she came to us. She was also an extremely anxious dog. We found a dog trainer who gave her reiki sessions, and it was amazing how much that calmed her over time. But then something happened (we will never know) and Molly started jumping out windows and opening closed ones. She was anxious and panicky and fearful and un-crateable. The dog trainer had moved on and we couldn’t find anyone who specialized in animal reiki. After she jumped out a second story window, we understood there was no way to keep her safe inside the house, so with the help of others, we found her a place where she did feel safe. My heart was broken, but she was no longer fearful and suffering anxiety in her new surroundings. BUT IT CHANGED MY OUTLOOK! I swore after that, I would never let anyone else have to lose a dog to anxiety when reiki could help  o much. And that’s what started me on my journey to be a reiki healer and learn medical qigong energy healing.


Why I started:

Besides the story of Molly, I also lost my beloved father to the ravages of cancer and discovered after he died that my mom had dementia. I became her primary caregiver for the next 11 years. This led me to seek alternative and complementary solutions for my own health and wellness. I was afraid of getting dementia down the line. Reiki is good for many wellness aspects, but once I started doing qigong, I discovered my life-long mild depression disappeared and a hole host of other physical, emotional, and spiritual transformations happened. I have always been an English teacher, but now I was called to share QIGONG with the world by teaching it and learning how to do Medical Qigong Energy Healing.


What I love about being a business owner:

As a complementary and alternative wellness practitioner and provider, I usually meet people who have exhausted every other traditional option. I absolutely can help them and support them in their healing journey, and every success story warms my heart. But I also know if they were able to see energy healers earlier in their health “crisis”, their recoveries could be sooner and faster. I am on a mission to create a culture of wellness or well-care instead of sick-care. I want to do that by working in tandem with the traditional treatments they receive from the medical establishment. Complementary wellness means we balance out and work with the medical system while there’s still lots of hope and chances for full recovery. I want to help people heal themselves through mind-body-spirit and see each client vibrant and happy with physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. THAT’s why I love being a business owner.


What type of impact do I hope to have on those I meet and/or who purchase my products?

My latest focus has been on helping people who suffer from migraines find relief. I have been doing case studies with people who have had very debilitating migraines, including someone with 24-7 ones. So far, I’ve seen people who came to me exhausted and without hope, find less migraines, less intensity, and even reversals of auras. And the person with 24-7 migraines is smiling, joyous, living a full life. Every person who comes to me continues with their neurologist but have found the addition of medical qigong to push them towards a better quality of life.


Who or what inspires me?

That’s an easy question. Jack Canfield has really impressed upon me how important mindset is. He has so inspired me, and I am currently finishing up training to be one of his Success Principles coaches. To me, mindset is another kind of energy healing. And I hope to share workshops soon. The other person who really inspired me is Bob Proctor. He has introduced me to so many ways to live life differently and more optimistically. I never thought I would be a person with a hopeful, positive outlook. But these two, along with Gabby Bernstein, really show me how I can live a happy existence that values the spiritual side of life as much as the material side of life.  


What is my favorite piece of advice I've ever received or favorite quote? From Jack Canfield: Be 100% responsible for my own thoughts, feelings, behavior, responses. I can’t control what other people do, say, think, but I can control how I respond to them or to a situation. I DO have control of my thoughts and feelings.  Event + Response = Outcome.


What does BEAUTY mean to me?

Beauty is an inner and an outer concept. When we feel and believe we are beautiful on the inside, we glow more and are more beautiful on the outside. I also think taking pride in your appearance and finding a way to love your unique physical characteristics (instead of trying to hide or fix or reject them) creates external beauty. While it is cliched to say, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,”, it is also true. Don’t live by the beauty standards set arbitrarily by the fashion industry. There’s all kinds of beauty, and the standards are what YOU create, not what a magazine tells you.


What advice would I give my past self just starting your business?

That everything I learned about teaching and every skill and talent that has made me a good teacher, is 1000% applicable to creating a successful business.


What would I like Beauty Boost members to know?

That healing is in your hands. I am just the assistant to making it happen. And that healing isn’t a straight-line but is completely achievable with patience, persistence, and a positive outlook.


I am also offering The Beauty Boost Community an exclusive discount code: ENERGY25 for a 25% discount the first time they use any of my services, and it can be applied to my qigong classes as well.


Where the community can find you?

Website: wnyenergyhealing.com

Instagram, YouTube, TikTok: kirsten.wnyenergyhealing

Facebook: Kirsten Sunrise Reitan


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