HER STORY ⟡ Kristina Stroud

Hello! My name is Kristina and I live in the Charlotte area with my husband, two boys and a plethora of pets.


I opened Pretty Little Profanities after I had the thought “I really like to swear but swearing is always seen as so unladylike… but why?!”


I have an English Literature degree and have always appreciated the history that accompanies literature and poetry. Profanities are no different - there is an expansive history to their use and etymology that is fascinating and offers a glimpse into the evolution of our language.


I realize that swearing isn’t for everyone. It’s considered bad, dirty, naughty but I’d like to push back on that a bit. Swear words are just words - we are the ones that provide the intent for them; they are not inherently bad or wrong. They are just an element of speech that add tempo, variety and levity to everyday language.  


Personally, I think of curse words like the salt and pepper of conversation… too much will leave a bad taste in your mouth but a dash here and there only enhances the flavor.

Pretty Little Profanities has offered me a chance to learn about entrepreneurship, design, marketing, social media, and selling in person. This is my little side hustle that continues to teach me so much about retail and has allowed me to use my creativity in a new and exciting way.


Why I started:

I had been wanting to have a side hustle to bring in a few extra bucks each month and something that I wouldn’t have to nurture too much each day. I also have a massive creative side so being able to use that as well has been a bonus!


What I love about being a business owner:

I love a lot of things - learning about all of the different aspects of running a business, hearing people rave about one of my designs, knowing that I finally have a creative outlet, getting to meet people and hear their “f*ck around and find out” stories - what’s not to love!


What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet and/or who purchase your products?

I think my biggest desire for those that see/purchase my products is that they walk away understanding that it’s ok to be 100% authentically you. It’s ok to use spicy language and your voice is worthy of hearing, no matter what. Be yourself, say what you want and don’t care about anyone’s opinion.


Who or what inspires you?

I love to see people discover themselves and become unstoppable. 


What is your favorite piece of advice you've ever received or favorite quote?

Progress over perfection. I have to remind myself of this many times a day, but it keeps me from getting hung up over the details and overthinking.


What does BEAUTY mean to you?

Beauty is when you can go to bed at night and know that you lived that day being 100% true to yourself.


What advice would you give your past self just starting your business?

You are the thing getting in your own way right now. You can do this, and you should do this- so JUST DO IT!


What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?

This community is such a wonderful, genuine opportunity for women to gather and spend time together but it’s on you to lean in and show up. So, come on!

I’d love it if you’d check out my shop, prettylittleprofanities.com, and as a token of appreciation use the exclusive discount code [beautyboost] for 15% off your purchase.


Where our community can find you?




HER STORY ⟡ Victoria Osivnik


Making Quality Decisions..A Go To List