Making Quality Decisions..A Go To List

Happy Monday!

Today we're chatting all things on “Making Quality Decisions.” Do the things that set you up for success. Create a healthy mindset. Have high self worth. Feel good being you. 

Easier said than done but there is research that shows there are SIMPLE but effective things we can do to make quality decisions for our lives and create inner peace, happiness, enjoyment and whatever our own definition of success is.


The Basic Stuff:

(sorry it's the simple NO SHIT things that make us better)

*Quality sleep 7-9 hours per night

*Get enough water and nutrition

*Eliminate toxins in you and around you

*Move your body

*Reduce or eliminate alcohol



The Harder Stuff:

(in my opinion)

*Watch your self talk. This means catching yourself when you're “mean” to yourself and rewriting the script

*Be aware of envy. Notice jealousy when it happens, acknowledge it then flip the script to gratitude. Example: You see a friend who you love and she's in a happy marriage with kids and you're single and want that for yourself. Instead of being envious, flip the script to something like “I'm so happy that I'm able to witness what a quality marriage looks like and I'm excited that when the time is right, I'll get to experience that too.”

*Ditch gossip. We all need a good friend to vent to but notice if you're trying to talk through a situation or you're straight up gossiping.

*Find gratitude anywhere you can in your day. Each moment you can, pause and think about how grateful you are for X. Example: My car broke down and it's in the shop and it's not cheap. Instead of being in a funk I said, “Thank you God for blessing. my life so I have the ability to pay for things like this when they arise.”

*Think about who you want to be and ACT like that person now. Does the future you sleep in late, put herself in chaos, skip her workouts etc?? Be in alignment with who you strive to be.

*Become very aware of your inner circle of friends and if they push you to be a better person and if they build you up.

*Leave toxic romantic relationships no matter how hard it is. 

*Invest in a quality therapist you align with

*Know your values and act in accordance


HER STORY ⟡ Kristina Stroud


HER STORY ⟡ Julia Nauer