HER STORY ⟡ Lori Honeycutt

Hey gal, today we are meeting Lori Honeycutt!


Why I started:


In 2014 I had just walked away from a toxic first marriage and after that experience I was doing a lot of work on myself both in counseling and Al-Anon (an organization for those affected by other people’s addiction). It was in this season that I read Made in the USA the trafficking of America’s Children by Alisa Jordheim. This sparked something inside my heart, and I began volunteering locally for an organization that worked with adult survivors of trafficking. A human trafficking awareness night brought recognition for the need for foster parents, and I attended the foster parenting classes in Spring 2016 with plans to pursue that. Children in our foster care system are more vulnerable toward being trafficked and I wanted to prevent trafficking while also fighting it.

Life happens and I met my now husband towards the end of 2016. We got married and after learning more about foster parenting my husband was not comfortable with moving forward towards being foster parents. I knew that there were other ways in which I could be involved.  I became involved in local groups that offer support to foster families. I became a supporter of the Open Door House in Concord which provides stable housing for young women who have aged out of foster care.


This sets the stage for where I am now. In November of 2019 I attended a Trades of Hope FB party for a friend who knew I was passionate about fighting trafficking. I was impressed by a company that was working with Artisan groups both here in the states and abroad helping Mama’s keep their babies and fighting trafficking. In economically vulnerable areas parents will surrender their children to orphanages to make sure that their children are fed and cared for. By providing fair wages and safe working conditions these women can provide for their families and have the dignity of earning their income. The Trades of Hope partner, Janet, asked if I would host a party and I reluctantly agreed and had my own party in February of 2020. Then, as everyone knows, our world shut down.


I was not even thinking about Trades of Hope when Janet reached out to me in July 2020 asking if I had ever thought about being a partner. I immediately said no. I’ve done direct sales before, and I had no interest. I was happy to support but I didn’t want to have to deal with sales minimums and staying active and all that I thought I would have to deal with by signing up as a Partner. Janet asked me to pray about it and I did. I researched the information. I was honestly so impressed by what I read that I signed up to be a Partner. I started learning about what fast fashion is. I began to understand that human trafficking isn’t just sex trafficking. I began to change my purchasing habits.


It was thanks to these changes that I was introduced to Francis + Benedict in September 2020. I started following the company on IG and I was fascinated. By April 2021 I had several skirts and I realized that I just needed to sign on as an Advocate, so I did. Francis + Benedict is a mission in Togo West Africa. The material is purchased in the market in Togo and then our sewists sew the beautiful pieces. They are paid a salary with benefits, and we also have a non-profit that is providing education and nutrition for street children in Togo.

Both companies are creating generational change in economically fragile areas. I still participate locally and the beauty of these extras that I do is that I am able to donate items for local fundraisers and events and have a multi-level impact.

When I can tell the story behind the necklace or skirt, I am able to bring my customer into being a part of the solution to ending poverty and fighting trafficking.


I would love for Beauty Boost members to know that by supporting brands such as Trades of Hope, Francis + Benedict and other slow fashion, ethical, fair-trade companies, they are a part of the solution. Sometimes when you hear about poverty or trafficking in can feel so big and overwhelming and you might wonder how you can ever make a difference. By purchasing a handbag, a pair of a shoes, a skirt, or a pair of earrings you make an impact!


Who or what inspires you?

One of the Artisan Groups that Trades of Hope partners with in Haiti, I’ve had the opportunity to follow along with several of the stories. Women and men who have lost their homes due to gang control of the neighborhood still arrive at work ready to work. They are persevering despite kidnapping and extreme violence. I recently reflected after an event and I realized that no matter how tired I might be I have the easy part, showing up to tell the stories behind these beautiful pieces of metal art, earrings and bracelets. My privilege allows me the choice to decide whether I want to keep telling these stories but these partners in Haiti need partners who are willing to be a part of their generational change by sharing their work and stories. They inspire me to keep showing up and sharing.  


What is your favorite piece of advice you've ever received or favorite quote?

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” Mother Teresa


What does BEAUTY mean to you? What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?

I would love for Beauty Boost members to know that by supporting brands such as Trades of Hope, Francis + Benedict and other slow fashion, ethical, fair trade companies, they are a part of the solution. Sometimes when you hear about poverty or trafficking in can feel so big and overwhelming and you might wonder how you can ever make a difference. By purchasing a beautiful hand bag, a fabulous pair of a shoes, a work of art skirt or a pair of hand crafted earrings you make an impact!



You can find me on IG at @Lori_HHoneycutt and FB https://www.facebook.com/LoriHHoneycutt



For Beauty Boost Members I am offering a special reimbursement for shipping. Once you purchase I will happily send you your shipping costs via Venmo or PayPal.



HER STORY ⟡ Lauren Wiggs and Sandra Missel


HER STORY ⟡ Lindsay Dollinger