HER STORY ⟡ Meaghan Young


My name is Meaghan. I live in the NKY area with my husband, Nathan, and our two fur babies Kat (our dog) and Goose (our cat). We moved here about two years ago when we got married and absolutely love the area!

Styled Socials LLC started earlier this year. Long story short, I was laid off from my full-time job of three years and took it as a sign that it was time to change directions! I had been working with social media on the side for over seven years, through a few different businesses/brands, and love how it allows me to use my creativity while building other brands and supporting local businesses.

Why I started: 

I started creating (quite a few years ago), because I love having a creative outlet outside of a full-time job. I have always been into the "crafty" stuff and it has evolved into a passion for social media, photography, and video. I also realized how much potential social media has- it's the new wave of advertising, personal connections, growing a business, and so much more!


What I love about being a business owner: 

Connecting with others and making my own schedule. There is a strong community out there of local business owners who love supporting and connecting with each other, and I'm here for it! I also like the freedom that being a business owner allows for.


What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet and/or who purchase your products? 

I want to help other business owners find their confidence and create something beautiful! I understand how hard it is to put yourself out there, especially on social media, and how much of a difference it makes when you truly feel confident in your business and radiate that energy.


Who or what inspires you? 

All of YOU! This is such an amazing community. I feel so supported and energized when I'm around you all.


What is your favorite piece of advice you've ever received or favorite quote?

You need to step out of your comfort zone to find success and grow.


What does BEAUTY mean to you? 

Being confident in who you are and lifting others up. Confidence is probably the biggest struggle (I definitely struggle with it too), but just allowing yourself to be confident and helping others see the beauty in themselves can go a long way.


What advice would you give your past self just starting your business? 

Go for it! The only way to get where you want to be it to try something new and see where your passions take you.


What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know? 

You all are amazing! I would love to meet you through IG DMs, in person, at events, wherever it may be. Always feel free to reach out and say hi!


Where our community can find you? 

IG: @styledsocialsllc 

Website: https://modadimeaghan.wixsite.com/styled-socials-llc


The Beauty Boost …Featuring Bolder Money (a Four Part Series on Financial Wellness)!


HER STORY ⟡ Jenn Prochaska