HER STORY ⟡ Sara of Cedar Wellness & Coaching

Hey all!

My name is Sara; I live Nebraska with my two sweet girls, my husband, and our golden retriever named Remi! 


Cedar Wellness & Coaching is a beautiful blend of life alignment coaching and all-natural holistic wellness products, to support you in your journey . It is founded on the deep belief that true healing goes beyond surface-level fixes, and dives deep into the mind, body and spirit. Through a faith-based approach and personalized life alignment coaching, we'll help you tap into inner wisdom, align your goals with your values and create a life that's in harmony with what you value most. To support your holistic well-being, I've carefully curated a range of 100% natural products- called Healing Blends, to support with sleep, anxiety, pain and stress relief...products I've used on myself and family for years; that nurture you naturally.


Why I started:

My business was born from my debilitating health journey. I was a full-time NICU Nurse- with a dual-role of direct patient care and policies, procedures, research and staff education. While also trying to balance all the duties at home with 2 young daughters. I woke up one day very sick, and Doctors didn't know why. I ended up with a rare neurologic condition and have spent the last 7+ years healing. I still have challenging seasons- and am navigating my new normal; in a body that doesn't play by the rules. I've had to relearn so many things- from daily activity things like driving, reading and walking..to learning how to listen to my body and give it the rest and margin it needs. 


My business was created because I want to continue using my nursing expertise- serving and helping others, but knew I couldn't return to a traditional nursing setting. I need to have flexibility, slower more intentional living and be able to honor what my body needs each day. I want to help others do the same! Cedar Wellness and Coaching is a place to release the demands of perfectionism, the hustle and grind of life...to slow down, listen to the whispers of your heart and body, and get deep support as you realign your life! Alongside using the power of nature to help support your body and nervous system- to nurture yourself naturally!


What I love about being a business owner:

I love that I can honor what my body needs each day...and still support others. I can have a coaching call, send some shipments for Healing Blends products and then I can go rest for 2 hours. I can be present with my girls after school and on weekends. I can help others see the beauty and potential in themselves, when barriers are blocking them from seeing it on their own. I can support and compliment the healing process by offering all-natural products to support well-being. Especially for those wanting alternatives to traditional pharmaceuticals- these carefully selected products are an answer to a deep need.


What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet and/or who purchase your products?

My deep desire is to create a calm, welcoming space where people feel heard and seen. Where they can let their guard down and say the things that are in the farthest corners of their heart- without fear of judgement or opinion. I want to impact people by powerfully supporting them- so they can create the life they've been longing for!


I hope that my Healing Blends products can be an answer to a problem- in the healing form of nature. With no toxins, chemical or artificial fragrances...just nature, they way God intended. Encouraging people to trust what nature has created to help heal and soothe, and learning to trust their body- that it has capacity to heal from what challenges it...when given the right type of support. 


Who or what inspires you?

My girls inspire me each day, to be the best version of myself and love them deeply as they grow up in this challenging world. My husband inspires me as he provides for our family tirelessly and has always supported me with every step of this health and business journey. Nature inspires me- as a gentle reminder that everything has a season and how powerful resilience and balance can be. And above all, my faith inspires me- to learn, grow and be better- with healing, humility and compassion- every single day. 


What is your favorite piece of advice you've ever received or favorite quote?

The will of God will never take you, where the grace of God will not protect you.


What does BEAUTY mean to you?

To me beauty is multidimensional, going beyond superficial appearances. It involves inner-beauty, balance, connection and authenticity. Recognizing and celebrating the unique beauty within each of us!


What advice would you give your past self just starting your business?

Don't let fear of the unknown stop you! People need you...just as you are! It doesn't have to be perfect or all tied up in a bow, just START, and adjust as you go- being your authentic self along the way.


What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?

I love being part of the amazing community of world-changing women and I'm always here, to support you in whatever way feels best during this season of your life.

I am also offering The Beauty Boost Community an exclusive discount code: TBB10 for 10% off any order of Healing Blends products. Additionally offering one FREE coaching session to all the amazing women of Beauty Boost!


Where our community can find you?






HER STORY ⟡ The Ladies of Live Healthy Hydrate


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