HER STORY ⟡ Shannon, Holistic Health Coach

Hey girl!

Today we are meeting Shannon, holistic nutrition & wellness coach!


Hi! I’m Shannon, Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach, Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition® - busy mom of three teenage girls, wife, solopreneur, corporate day-job “doer” and just trying my best to juggle the craziness of everyday life while looking, feeling, and being my best. 

Who am I? 

It takes perseverance, courage, and determination to decide mid-life that you will follow what your soul says is your purpose - and I did it, always pushing forward despite challenges and setbacks (just as you can with any health change you tackle). My passion is the holistic nutrition & wellness coaching business that I started about three years ago (and helping my amazing clients find their power to take back control of their health). I also work a full-time "day job", most currently as the Director of SEC Reporting and Technical Accounting for a Public Company. I am a mom of three girls and a wife who is remarried to her soul-mate. I am busy (just like you). And I am happy and healthy and am creating and living a life that I've always dreamed of.

Combining my expertise AND my own personal experience with health transformation, I provide expert guidance in helping my clients  find the right path to their health & wellness (via nutrition, lifestyle & mindset practices); figure out those right steps to take along that path (goals, actions, habits); and make space in their busy lives in order to actually implement these steps. 

How I started:

I wasn't always healthy or happy - I was pretty much the exact opposite of those things (think going through life about 80 pounds overweight, having zero self-worth…). I pretty much did things "the wrong" way throughout much of my life. It's that journey and those "wrong" ways that gave me the experiences necessary to understand the hardships, the challenges, and the self-doubt so that I could truly understand what real change is, and how hard it is to accomplish - especially amidst the "busyness" of our everyday lives.  And I also know it’s possible. If I did it - so can you. I am here to use these experiences along with my expertise to make it easier for you than it was for me. To save you time and energy, to decrease your struggle and your overwhelm, and to show you - that despite all this - you can succeed. You are worth it!

How I stay motivated:

Holistic nutrition & wellness is truly my soul’s passion. I believe that each and every one of us has the power within to take responsibility over our health and wellness and achieve the confidence and freedom that comes with reaching our health goals, with looking, feeling, and operating at our best. All the amazing women I’ve had the privilege of meeting, and continue to meet, fuel my passion for my work. It’s so easy for us to get lost in all the “stuff” we have to do in our everyday worlds. Falling to the bottom of our priority list happens more often than we may like to admit. I love helping other women as they go through their own journey and find their own power.

Where to find me & how I help:

  • I run a 10 Day Reset Cleanse Challenge that will be kicking off on May 16th. This popular Reset program is delivered via email and a private facebook group. You’ll receive a completely done-for-you NOURISHING reset cleanse program and guide with TONS of resources, tips, hacks, meals, and recipes. You will eat nourishing foods that will help to reset your detoxification systems, support your gut health and help you feel amazing. Click here for more information.

  • My one-on-one coaching program is the best way to work together on walking the path to reach your health goals. In this program, we will work through not only body/physical goals, but also on the deeper mindset shifts that are needed in order to enact and sustain long-term change.

  • To book your free consult click here. You can also email me at svitaleholistichealth@gmail.com.

Jasmine Wright

Founder of Jasmine Digital


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