HER STORY ⟡ Vanessa Emily

I’m Vanessa Emily, a dedicated advocate for fertility preservation and emotional well-being. Originally from Monroe, Ohio, my journey took an exciting turn when I embarked on a 7-month adventure in Bulgaria, undergoing consecutive rounds of egg freezing.


During this transformative time, this micro-business owner noticed a glaring gap in support for women interested in preserving their fertility. Driven by this realization, I made a decision to study several coaching modalities such as NLP, RRT, and EFT to provide the guidance and support that I wished I had during my own journey.


One modality that particularly resonated with me is Emotional Freedom  Techniques (EFT), a powerful healing tool for self-regulation and self-soothing in response to the emotional stressors associated with fertility preservation. EFT has been instrumental in my own experience, and I'm passionate about sharing its benefits with others.


In addition to supporting individuals on their fertility journeys, I have had the privilege of working with people who struggle with fear of flying and veterans navigating grief and loss. Witnessing the positive impact of evidence-based EFT in helping individuals overcome their fears, ease anxiety, and heal emotional wounds has been incredibly rewarding.


What I love about being a business owner:

A bored woman is a dangerous thing. I guess that’s why I’m a business owner! It’s a fast-paced, ever-changing environment where each day brings something new to tackle and appreciate. It's like a rollercoaster ride that keeps me on my toes, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


If you are into human design? I will share that as a manifesting generator with an open sacral authority, I'm all about embracing opportunities that align with my energy and passions. That's why, alongside my coaching business, I also manage a venture in residential leasing. It's incredible to see how these different paths complement each other in such unexpected ways.


And guess what? I've got another passion project that brings me so much joy. In my spare time, I pour my heart into my passion project which is writing a series of children's books for children who are donor-conceived. It's my way of sharing meaningful stories with young children and their parent(s). I've published three stories so far on Amazon that have brought smiles to families.


Who or What inspires me:

When it comes to inspiration, there are a few things that truly light a fire within me. First off, Kathrin Zenkina and her brand Manifestation Babe have been a tremendous source of inspiration. Her unwavering dedication to personal growth and manifesting a life of abundance has truly motivated me to push my own boundaries.

A really good BBQ sauce. I know…say less!


Lastly, making a difference for people is a source of inspiration for me. Whether it's helping someone achieve their goals, supporting them through challenging times, or making a positive impact in their lives, the ability to create meaningful change is incredibly motivating. It's a reminder of the power we all have to make a difference and leave a lasting impact on those around us.


Favorite quote:

I switch them out from time to time but I’ve been obsessed with this one lately:

“A thought organizes information rather than be information.” ~Dr. Jon Connelly


What advice would I give to my past self starting this business:

Reflecting on my journey in starting this business, if I could offer advice to my past self, it would be a simple yet significant one: freeze your eggs 10 years earlier. As someone who deeply understands the importance of fertility preservation, I recognize the value of taking proactive steps to protect my future family-building options.


By freezing my eggs earlier, I would have provided myself with an additional layer of security and peace of mind. It's a powerful reminder to prioritize our long-term aspirations and make decisions that align with our desired life path.


So, if I could turn back time and offer advice to my past self, it would be to embrace the opportunity of egg freezing much earlier on. It's a proactive step that empowers us to take control of our reproductive choices and safeguard our dreams for the future.


What does beauty mean to me?

To me, beauty is a holistic concept that encompasses inner well-being and wellness. It's about nurturing both our mental and physical health, as they are interconnected and essential for living your best life.


Inner beauty holds immense significance, as it emanates from a healthy mind and a happy heart. When we prioritize our mental health, we radiate a genuine beauty that goes beyond superficial standards. It’s not enough to survive, but thrive.


Physical health is another crucial aspect of beauty.


Beauty is not static; it's a dynamic process. It involves actively engaging in self-care,embracing healthy habits, and making choices that promote our well-being. It's the ongoing journey of beautifying ourselves, inside and out, through meaningful practices and healthy patterns.


What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?

​​Coaching services extend beyond fertility preservation and related support. While I specialize in assisting individuals on their egg freezing journies, I also work with those people who are not freezing their eggs but may be facing stress, anxiety, pain, and other areas of stuckness in their lives.


Emotional freedom techniques, or tapping, is a clinically proven powerful technique that I utilize to address emotional and physical symptoms. It can be an extremely effective tool for personal growth and overall well-being. You can learn more about me, connect with me, and book a session with me at heal.me


Special offer for TBB community:

Mention Code TBB and I will gift a custom tapping script written especially for you to self-tap with after our session! (Value: $44)


Website: http://vanessaemily.com

Instagram: @vanessa_emily_hunt

Email: vanessahunt@vanessahuntclub.com


HER STORY ⟡ Jen of Effortless Support
