How to Implement The Law of Attraction

Happy Monday!

As we ease into this January month, we're chatting all things to setup your year like vision boards, dream casting, manifestation and on. Today we're focusing on "The Law of Attraction."

The law of attraction is a universal principle that states you will attract into your life whatever you focus on. Whatever you give your energy and attention to is what will come back to you.

Side Note: This can sound a little woo if you're not use to thinking this way but keep reading and try to stay open. 

How it Works
Essentially, if you're feeling excited, enthusiastic (anything high vibe), then you are sending out positive energy to the universe. 

In turn, that positive energy will attract people, resources + opportunities that resonate on the same energetic wavelength. 

On the flip side, if you are feeling stressed out, angry, resentful, or sad, you are sending out negative energy. That negative energy will repel positivity and attract pessimistic people and events into your life. 

Typically, the idea of manifestation and law of attraction can go hand in hand. 

How to Start Small: 
It's hard to just make yourself feel something you don't feel but there are mini action steps you can do NOW to start shifting into this new space of where you want to be. Again, the below list may seem trivial but little steps can create big shifts.

A) Using mantras to shift your present mindset. Starting off the day or week with a mantra in mind can be a really powerful tool. When I'm feeling overwhelmed with work and chaos, I use the mantra "There is time for everything" to get out of that frame of mind and into a more relaxed and calm state. 

B) Journal and Dream. If you're unclear on what you desire in life or how you want to feel then it's very hard to attract that. Use quiet time to get more clear. 

C) Vision Boards. We talked about this last week, but visual clarity brings peace and excitement. 

D) Be aware of limiting beliefs and the language you use towards yourself. One thing therapy really showed me this year was how I was speaking to myself. I was using really unkind language towards myself. Now I stop as soon as I recognize this is happening and flip the script to a more positive one which changes my overall attitude and feelings of self-worth/confidence. 

Hope these help! XO, Rachel


HER STORY ⟡ Monica Meier


How To's: Manifestation + Vision Boards