How to Use your Intuition for Daily Life

Happy Monday!

After chatting more and more with friends lately, it AMAZES me how strong our intuition is as women. And I FIRMLY believe the more and more we tap into our intuition, the stronger it becomes.

What is it and whys it matter?
Being in touch with our intuition can be extremely powerful in both our professional and personal lives. It matters in relationships too. Relying on our intuition can help us make BETTER decisions. 

Intuition is more of a quiet knowing. Intuition doesn’t categorize things as good or bad; it merely OBSERVES them. Intuition is "the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning." For me, it's often a feeling of something not feeling right. There is no real evidence of why, but I can FEEL something is off. 

How to tap into intuition and actually use it.

1. Make space to reflect
If you're always on the go, you don't have time to tap into your feelings or be aware. Build out time in your schedule to decompress and not over schedule. This can be journaling, breath work, mindfulness activities like yoga or a simple body scan. 

2. When in decision mode, stop and be your own coach. 
See how your physical body feels with each scenario. You may experience tightness in one area of your body or the feeling of anxiety, etc. Or you may feel excited and light.

3. Be the observer.
I recently had a counseling session and my counselor told me to just view myself as the observer as I moved through various decisions. It sounds weird but I've been doing it and it's oddly helpful. You essentially just "watch yourself" going through various activities like a 3rd party. 

4. Ask yourself, what would my HIGHEST self choose?
What would the best version of you do in that moment? This can help you tap into a feeling of empowerment and out of limiting beliefs, low self-confidence and overwhelm.

Hope you enjoy and share this with a friend who could use it! <3 <3

XO Rachel - The Beauty Boost

Jasmine Wright

Founder of Jasmine Digital


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