Life Behind The Scenes In The Beauty Boost ◆ Entrepreneur Life

Happy Monday!

I'm writing this week to shed a little light into what my world looks like running TBB and maybe help you feel "more normal" if you're experiencing any of this too. :)

Life is a roller coaster lately. It use to feel like the ups and downs happened monthly...then it turned to weekly and now it truly feels daily. Good and bad! A huge part of running TBB is helping to uplift + inspire other women but that can be hard when I'm going through personal things like a breakup. Where does personal life + business divide?

It's an odd feeling to feel SO thankful + blessed and truly excited about what I do for a living AND to also feel grief, overwhelm, stress and sadness at the same time.

Here's a peek into how I'd put the pros + cons in a nutshell.

The Pros: Running a business you're passionate about is exciting in a way that's hard to describe. For me, I get to mix personal + business a ton and work with friends. I get to set my own schedule and work from wherever I please. I can make any income I desire based on the effort I put in. I get to hear personal stories from how much TBB has changed women's lives. I am constantly surrounded by people who inspire me. I get to work on fun and creative projects. I get to coach women and watch how they're able to put a plan in place and create an impact in their lives. The list could go on forever. Truly.

The Cons: You have to be able to handle a lot of rejection. My life is constantly following up with people and borderline harassing them;) I don't have the "knowing" of what my next paycheck will be. As we've grown and reached a larger audience, more and more people will feel the desire to tell you what you're doing wrong. I have to "be on" even when, like mentioned above, my personal life feels in distress. It seems odd to even write this because I am surrounded by so many amazing women but it can feel extremely LONELY at times. The to do list never ends. Limiting beliefs have a way of sneaking up on you. It can be hard to "turn off" work at the end of the day when you can work from anywhere.

Overall, I wouldn't trade what I do for anything. But in the world of Instagram pictures and TikTok videos, I think the life of entrepreneurship can be very misleading. If you run a business or are thinking of starting one and have questions, reach out via email: <3 <3

XO Rachel - The Beauty Boost

Jasmine Wright

Founder of Jasmine Digital


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