Make this cute Ohio Gem Your Next Getaway

Hi there! We are Orlie and Hope, the owners and creators of The Acres.  We created The Acres as a place to retreat from the stresses of daily life and connect with nature and people we love.  


Why we started:

Life can be stressful at times, and getting away to spend time with loved ones and nature is a great way to disconnect to connect.  We decided to create The Acres during the pandemic, when the need for human connection was at its peak. Flash forward to today, and we’ve created a space designed for you and your loved ones to enjoy.


What we love about being business owners:

We love the ability to dream and do.  Working for yourself comes with risk and responsibility, which can be scary at times.  Essentially, you’re taking a bet on yourself to succeed.  But with that comes SOO much reward.  We love the opportunity to have a vision and make it come true.  The Acres’ first cabin is just the beginning of what we hope to accomplish with the 78 acres of land on the property. 


What type of impact do you hope to have on those who stay at The Acres?

The goal of The Acres is to create a place where people recharge, connect with others and experience joy.  We were very intentional when we designed the cabin.  We designed many large gathering spaces along with “micro” spaces, so that people can connect with each other and also have personal space.  We also created many wellness amenities such as a custom outdoor corten steel shower, infinity style hot tub, a wood burning outdoor fireplace, a gas interior fireplace,  and a soaking tub among other amenities.  Did we mention the many scenic views of the surrounding landscape from both the exterior deck and interior of the house?  We want the experience of the Acres to be so enjoyable that it is actually memorable.  


Who or what inspires you?

We’ve been inspired by Japanese and Scandinavian ways of living; their cultures focus on connecting with nature to increase quality of life.   The concept of forest bathing is well ingrained in the Japanese way of life.  Spending time in the forest is known to have benefits to reduce stress and anxiety while improving overall mood and focus.  Scandinavian countries are some of the happiest in the world, even though they have some of the worst weather!  They are also a culture that celebrates being outside through the concept of Friluftsliv, which translates to “open air living.”  These practices and mindsets help people be happier on a daily basis, which is what most of us are ultimately seeking. 


What is your favorite piece of advice you've ever received or favorite quote?

If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together.  The process of creating The Acres has been incredibly collaborative across so many skilled people, ranging from architects, craftsmen, marketing professionals, business advisors, and so many more.  It has been a team effort and we have been so lucky to work with amazing people!  We found success in knowing what we are good at and then filling in the gaps by partnering with others.


What does BEAUTY mean to you?

Being able to enjoy the beauty of living.  We only get one life to live.  A beautifully lived life is one that is full of love and joyous moments.  We hope The Acres is one stop in a beautifully lived life. 

What advice would you give your past self just starting your business?

If you’re not a little afraid then you’re doing something wrong!


What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?

Take a bet on yourself more often.  It is so empowering!

Where can our community find you?


Instagram: @theacrescabins

Facebook: @theacrescabins

Youtube:  @theacrescabins



HER STORY ⟡ Kassandra Carr


HER STORY ⟡ Ivana of Ivana Desancic Portraits