HER STORY ⟡ Kassandra Carr

Today, we are meeting Kassandra Carr of Ajaluna!


Tell us about you and your background!
I am a Certified Public Accountant with the Florida Board of Accountancy and I have worked in the accounting profession for the last 8 years in various cities. I had the opportunity to learn skills in consulting as well as some financial wellness tools. It was during my time working in public accounting where I discovered and utilized different holistic methods such as an essential oil diffuser and herbal teas to maintain my peace. Although I would use these tools, my mental health was still suffering.

In 2021, I finally decided to choose ME and focus on my unique vision of health. Once I discovered that, I began to walk in my purpose and I felt the need to share my holistic/self-care journey with others. I am able to travel more and I have made steps to heal the goiter (thyroid enlargement) that I have been dealing with for years through the guidance of my coach/mentor, a vegan diet and plant medicine.

I have now become a Certified Health & Wellness Coach and I am currently working on my Medicine Woman Certification, where I will be trained in clinical herbalism. I am really excited for what’s to come with Ajaluna!

Tell us about your business & why you started it?
Ajaluna (AH-JAH-LOO-NAH) was initially formed with the sole intention of removing the stigma against cannabis. However, as I began to meet more people and heard their stories, I decided to expand the available services in my Company and I now provide wellness coaching sessions, built out an apothecary and sell other healing products (e.g., manifestation journal).

Individuals that are ready to take that leap of faith and transform into a new version of themselves is my ideal Client. I want them to be comfortable with being uncomfortable and realize that they have the power to make a change in their life. The key is for the individual to identify what changes they are ready to make. As a coach, I am simply here to be an accountability partner.

I have developed a 3-month program and a 6-month program where I specialize in personal development, nutrition and hormonal imbalances.  I use my own personal journey to guide them and my knowledge of herbal medicine. It is during the program where we explore one's optimal vision of health, confidence, barriers, and set realistic action steps in achieving their health goal. As a holistic wellness coach, I am here to fully support you on your healing journey. I look forward to the growth achieved by others just as I took the time to heal myself.

In 2023, I created a manifestation journal for women to take the time to speak life into their desires as it is a practice that I have used to help define my true goals and to release the burden of the day.

What do you love about being a business owner?
I have the ability to shape the space that I work in to fully embody my values and to push a clear message out into the world. What I do now isn’t work, it’s a lifestyle. I also have time to travel more and to focus on my self-care.

What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet and/or who receive your services?
Ajaluna’s main objective is for everyone to live their dream life and to be healed from all ailments. I want individuals to envision their future, stay focused on what they desire and appreciate the journey.

What advice would you give to yourself from 5 years ago? OR your past self just starting your business?
Wow. Where do I begin? I would tell myself that when you feel the urge to jump ship, just do it. Do not fear the unknown as you are divinely guided. Just trust the process and your journey. The sky is not the limit. There is a whole universe out there and many people waiting to see you shine. Don’t let fear hold you back from sharing your gift to the world.

What does BEAUTY mean to you?
Beauty is when one can exude confidence and love from every ounce of their being. One has to cultivate true beauty by centering their mind, body and spirit. It is truly the positive energy that you emit and is felt by others. It is not superficial.

Who or what inspires you?
The community that I have surrounded myself with provides me with such immense support and love no matter where they are located in the world. It feels good to see how my family and friends are making changes in their lives based on knowledge that I have provided. Everyone is happy and healthy! That’s most important to me.

What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?
Find love within yourself and always trust your gut. Be selfish sometimes and travel more. Your joy and peace of mind are priceless. Don’t ever forget that!

Anything else you would like to share!

  • In 2024, I plan to begin hosting more group sessions and workshops through retreats and other online platforms.

  • Website: www.ajaluna.com

  • Instagram/Facebook/Tik Tok: @ajalunawellness

  • TBB Discount (15% off any product): BBLUNA


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